The Truth Behind a Woman

austin88998833's Avatar
Chloe. Beauty, class and grace personified!
Absolutely love this!
- Spoken in such an elegant manner ♡
CatMan4u's Avatar
Chloe is a class act
Very pleasing to the eye
Plus a great attitude
To bad more providers don't try to be like her
queenV's Avatar
I love love this thread, thank you for posting it!!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Let’s face it, being a female in today’s society is everything but easy! The stereotypes we are expected to live by each day is enough to make any woman insecure. Now add on the ridicule we receive by our own expectations along with those from our peers and you’ve got a massive fucking mess of ladies trying to be “perfect.” I’m sad to say, but this can many times unfortunately determine or mold how we think of our own self.

As a female, I believe all ladies are beautiful no matter how we look, no matter the size of clothes worn, how much we weigh, the style of clothes we choose to wear, the color of our hair, the color of our skin, our ethnicity, etc.... I could go on for hours. Society has twisted the true definition of beauty, and as a female, we have allowed this to happen by merely body shaming other females and just being plain mean to one other. This is NOT, I repeat, this is NOT ok!

Beauty is defined by so much more than what we see on the outer side of another. Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul!

Lupita Nyong’o said it best: “You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion, for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty enflames the heart and enchants the soul.”

The purpose of this post is to bring back some much needed positivity to the AR board. Let’s stop body shaming each other. Instead, let’s encourage one another, compliment and uplift each other, be kind to one another as the world is already ugly enough.

I encourage everyone to post a few favorite pics of yourself and let others compliment you! If you have nothing nice to say, then remain silent or move along to another thread.

I am always reluctant about posting pics of myself due to my own insecurities (yes, I said it, I battle with insecurities too) but I will start.. Here are a few of my favorite pics. I want to see others post so we as a community, can show love instead of hate. In a world where you can be anything, be kind!

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Originally Posted by Upscale_blondie

Chloe perfect description of this! Your absolutely on point!
Our insecurities make it even harder on us on top of anyone else who judge us woman!
I love woman!
I feel this all the way through.
I am so tired of seeing everyone tear each other down that is one of the reasons I stopped coming on eccie so much
It started becoming to judgmental from the ladies an guys!
Like my mother used to say if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything!
I love supporting other people in general! Anyone that knows me they know I want to see all of us wonderful woman thrive!
Have a great Christmas �� and I hope everyone else has a great Christmas as well!
Veles's Avatar
  • Veles
  • 12-24-2021, 05:48 PM
There is a provider I see as frequently as I can. Most men may pass her and not give a second look. She is a larger woman, but she has been such a good friend to me and an amazing provider. I have been in the hobby for years, in another words I have seen quite a few providers over the years. And to this day this woman is the only one who has made my toes curl. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I had the choice between a hot spinner vs this woman, I would always choose her over the spinner due to her personality and service. There are shallow people all around, both men and women. It's just human nature. I guess my opinion is that when you find a toe curling provider, most guys will stuck to that provider. Yes, physical attraction is important, especially in this business. After all, most of the men are buying a fantasy. That fantasy typically consists of something that is normally out of reach for a lot of us. Having said that, yes, there are jerks. Both men and women. Happy holidays y'all.
Merry Christmas, Chloe
CatMan4u's Avatar
We all have insecurities
I think alot of comments get taken the wrong way( not
intended to be interpreted the way they where) most of us aren't trying to hurt the other person
Very true Cat
Texts are hard to interpret
. They are often brief or cryptic and assume the recipient is on the same page as the sender but without inflection, body language etc the meaning can often be interpreted in many ways the sender did not mean.
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
There is a provider I see as frequently as I can. Most men may pass her and not give a second look. She is a larger woman, but she has been such a good friend to me and an amazing provider. I have been in the hobby for years, in another words I have seen quite a few providers over the years. And to this day this woman is the only one who has made my toes curl. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I had the choice between a hot spinner vs this woman, I would always choose her over the spinner due to her personality and service. There are shallow people all around, both men and women. It's just human nature. I guess my opinion is that when you find a toe curling provider, most guys will stuck to that provider. Yes, physical attraction is important, especially in this business. After all, most of the men are buying a fantasy. That fantasy typically consists of something that is normally out of reach for a lot of us. Having said that, yes, there are jerks. Both men and women. Happy holidays y'all. Originally Posted by Veles

Very well said !
There is a provider I see as frequently as I can. Most men may pass her and not give a second look. She is a larger woman, but she has been such a good friend to me and an amazing provider. I have been in the hobby for years, in another words I have seen quite a few providers over the years. And to this day this woman is the only one who has made my toes curl. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I had the choice between a hot spinner vs this woman, I would always choose her over the spinner due to her personality and service. There are shallow people all around, both men and women. It's just human nature. I guess my opinion is that when you find a toe curling provider, most guys will stuck to that provider. Yes, physical attraction is important, especially in this business. After all, most of the men are buying a fantasy. That fantasy typically consists of something that is normally out of reach for a lot of us. Having said that, yes, there are jerks. Both men and women. Happy holidays y'all. Originally Posted by Veles

Sounds like a special lady, I agree, a good connection make all the difference.