This is too good

bambino's Avatar
Lol. At least you guys aren't obsessed with trannies or anything. Originally Posted by tommy156
Since you’re so open minded, when can we expect your first tranny review?
berryberry's Avatar
The left created this and now aren't respecting their own rules. I don't find it racist that she added person of color. I see it as a nice touch to expose the Idiocracy of it all. Originally Posted by Loretta77

He is not only exposing the hypocrisy of the crazy ass leftists, but also the absurdity of it all

You can see from the thread how it upsets the tranny lovers
Since you’re so open minded, when can we expect your first tranny review? Originally Posted by bambino
I'm no fan of transgenders, but I don't let them live rent free in my head either. Seems like both sides could bring down the temperature a little. It's seriously about all the right talks about these days. Any new policy ideas? No. Lol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Almost like it’s by design. Make some ridiculous claim that you can change genders front and center while the world crumbles.
berryberry's Avatar
I'm no fan of transgenders, but I don't let them live rent free in my head either. Seems like both sides could bring down the temperature a little. It's seriously about all the right talks about these days. Any new policy ideas? No. Lol. Originally Posted by tommy156
Only one side is in favor of mutilating young people.

Only one side is in favor of destroying women's sports

Only one side is in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms

Only one side is in favor of letting women get raped in prison by men claiming to be women

And that side is the crazy ass leftists who refuse to believe biology and who hate women's rights
Lol. trump used to brag about barging into women's dressing rooms at the Miss Universe pageant. It's on tape. "Some of them were quite young". Also "grab 'em by the pussy". And you voted for him anyway.

Like y'all suddenly give a fuck about women's privacy. LOL! GTFOH.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL. do you have TDS so bad that all you can think about is Trump?

This thread is not about Trump.

Why is it that you and your fellow leftists:

Are in favor of mutilating young people?

Are in favor of destroying women's sports?

Are in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms?

Are in favor of letting women get raped in prison by men claiming to be women?
Dude, you're claiming "Only one side is in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms". I'm here to tell you that's bullshit. And I offered a proven example of what I'm talking about. It just so happened to include trump. It's completely on topic. Unless you're saying no one's allowed to refute anything you say here.
"Are you in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms?"

No, but someone you love and constantly defend is. There. Is that better?
berryberry's Avatar
Dude, you're claiming "Only one side is in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms". I'm here to tell you that's bullshit. And I offered a proven example of what I'm talking about. It just so happened to include trump. It's completely on topic. Unless you're saying no one's allowed to refute anything you say here. Originally Posted by tommy156
Why do you lie?

Why do you try to change the subject?

This is about advocating for policy positions today regarding trannies destroying women's rights. So I ask again,

Why is it that you and your fellow leftists:

Are in favor of mutilating young people?

Are in favor of destroying women's sports?

Are in favor of destroying women's privacy on restrooms and locker rooms?

Are in favor of letting women get raped in prison by men claiming to be women?
Why do you lie about it only being one side? I just gave you a proven example of how it's both sides interested in destroying women's privacy. I have other examples too, but you won't want to hear them (obviously, because they will blow up your little bubble here).
berryberry's Avatar
Do you really not understand the difference between advocating for actual policy positions today regarding trannies destroying women's rights vs your extremely silly one off example that had nothing to do with Trannies or the subject at hand?
No. Because there is no difference. A woman either has privacy or she doesn't.
berryberry's Avatar
No. Because there is no difference. A woman either has privacy or she doesn't. Originally Posted by tommy156

Are you really that ill informed that you don't understand the differences between

1. advocating for actual policy positions today regarding trannies destroying women's rights

2. some silly one off example that had zero to do with trannies?
....had everything to do with a woman's privacy (which seems to be your main focus these days - at least until the next fake outrage comes along)