Proof of the GOP War on Women


Yahoo news (for the low information crowd) must have something you can show us to prove he had something to do with a dead woman like Ted did with Mary Jo Kopechne. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
He shot his lawyer friend while bird hunting, you clown. Talk about low information, or is it lack of smarts?
gfejunkie's Avatar
What does that have to do with the war on women you off-topic, thread hijacking idiot?

It was an accident and he was a dude and I don't recall him swimming off and leaving him to die!


Show me where Dick Cheney ever harmed a woman.
Ted Kennedy is still the only one with a confirmed kill. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What does that have to do with the war on women you off-topic, thread hijacking idiot? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Just going along the same line as above, you low IQ jerk.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is this the ONLY thing that Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat woman care about, using abortion as a means of birth control?

It amazes me that with all of the affective birth control available, we still have so many abortions being performed.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Didn't take you long to lose your cool, lol.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Is this the ONLY thing that Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat woman care about, using abortion as a means of birth control? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Like I've said many times before... I really don't give a shit!
Let them keep killing off future democrats before they're even born. We've got too damned many of them as it is!

Let the conservative women keep giving birth. They know how to raise them right. Especially when they're home schooled.

The future's so bright I have to wear sunglasses!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Many women are pro life. Being against abortion is not the same as being anti women.
Didn't take you long to lose your cool, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
No loss of cool jim, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • Tiny
  • 07-04-2016, 07:02 PM
Now, I know I better hide for awhile. Originally Posted by SassySue
Dear Democrat Political Operative,

Cut the crap. You know full well that most of the posters here are social liberals who don't have a problem with legalized abortion. Or legalized prostitution or legalized marijuana. Your full time occupation appears to be psych ops to persuade people on eccie to vote Democrat. I don't believe you've made a single post on except in the Political Forum during the 45 days you've been here.
Dear Democrat Political Operative,

Cut the crap. You know full well that most of the posters here are social liberals who don't have a problem with legalized abortion. Or legalized prostitution or legalized marijuana. Your full time occupation appears to be psych ops to persuade people on eccie to vote Democrat. I don't believe you've made a single post on except in the Political Forum during the 45 days you've been here. Originally Posted by Tiny
LMAO, most here are right wing tea sippers.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dear Democrat Political Operative,

Cut the crap. You know full well that most of the posters here are social liberals who don't have a problem with legalized abortion. Or legalized prostitution or legalized marijuana. Your full time occupation appears to be psych ops to persuade people on eccie to vote Democrat. I don't believe you've made a single post on except in the Political Forum during the 45 days you've been here. Originally Posted by Tiny
she's been here for not 45 days, but for 4 years under a different alias.

she posted off & on during this run, considerably more the last 2 years before she changed her handle upon retirement.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Moron! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Since when did any of his posts make any sense?
Munchmasterman's Avatar

Of course, I have a choice to shoot who I want, but not everyone with a gun does. You don't have a choice to shoot or kill who you want, do you? So, why should you have a choice to kill a baby? Originally Posted by DSK

Killing a baby is illegal and should be prosecuted (unless, of course, that it was clearly crawling towards that gun with the intent of using it).

Killing a fetus (stage of development between 8 weeks and birth) is legal under certain circumstances (known as a legal abortion).

Nice try to associate "choice" and "kill".

Kind of like your attempts to associate "victim" and "white men".

Since when did any of his posts make any sense? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Limited as you are it is easy to see your problem.