Newbie Questiong re: Tipping

pmdelites's Avatar
I'm going to kick my hat in the ring here. When you have an appointment, how you spend your time is largely up to you. ... In any case, tip if she goes above and beyond your expectations or if you just want to give her more than what was agreed on.

Tips are a monetary expression of appreciation for exemplary service. ...

Providers also better remember clients who tip. Originally Posted by Dharma
in my mind, i would tip for excellent or extra service.
i would hope that providers also remember nice, fun, and deliteful clients :^)

Some may expect it, some my hope for it but protocol is its your money to do what you wish with it. If you think she deserved or earned it, by all means feel free to do it. If not, stick with the fee and feel no guilt. Originally Posted by TexasDave555
@TexasDave555, +1! Originally Posted by Dharma

JK, respectfully disagree about tipping for expectation of great service in FUTURE. Tip is for services rendered (past tense) IMHO.

Dharma sums it up well. Originally Posted by Abraham
in my mind, tipping before is really giving money in hopes that one will receive excellent or extra services.
and, unless you tell them there is a tip in there or they count the fee paid, they'll never know. so it seems to be wasted effort. but to each their own.

Tipping is a good way of saying good or great service I will be back; and I think that is up to the hobbyist and what he thought about the service.
I understand they [providers] are here to make a living but asking for a tip is just rude and if they depend on a tip then maybe they need to go up on there rates to begin with.

A tip is up to the hobbyist for good service or because they hit it off and he wants to go back and see just how good of service he gets next time. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
That type of behavior is repulsive. In my opinion it is TACKY to ask for a tip before or even after a session. I'm not saying anything is wrong in hoping for a tip, especially if the session was above and beyond the norm, but if you're asking for a tip you might as well just raise your rates. I never ask for one or expect a tip, but when given one I take it as a pat on the back and reassurance of a job well done. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
agree w/ hobbyfun and sensualsanaa on this - tipping is an expression of thanks.

with all that said, my form of tipping is generally return visits, longer consulting sessions, lunch/dinner before or after the session, something that she likes [food, beverage, chocolate, etc], or a gift card or $20 or $50, esp around their birthday or some holiday.
with this kind of tip, i'm telling her "i really enjoy being with you, so i'm back for more delites!" and/or "here's something special for you! thanks for all you do for me."
I usually show up with the agreed upon amount +100 and for every o she has or atleast puts on a good enough show to fool me or tell me how good it feals i add 20 cuz a session for me isnt just about stroking my dick i could do that my self but stroking the ego a little as well
I usually show up with the agreed upon amount +100 and for every o she has or atleast puts on a good enough show to fool me or tell me how good it feals i add 20 cuz a session for me isnt just about stroking my dick i could do that my self but stroking the ego a little as well Originally Posted by plaything311

I like the way this sounds, but then again I have no idea the proper way to determine tip amount, so some "measurable" way would be attractive to me.
Sleepy363's Avatar
What you should do is if you leave early, ask for money back from the lady. That surely will go over well.