Why does Obama want to let Iran have a nuclear weapon?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Give me an alternative that does not end up with catastrophic regional war. Originally Posted by BigLouie
This "deal" increases the likelihood of such a war. Sanctions were wearing down the Iranian economy and slowing their work. Now they're going to get a massive influx of cash plus a pledge from the US to protect them while they enrich uranium (we're just trying to be fair). Both Kerry and Obama have said that they don't really expect Iran to abide by the terms of the "deal".

What will Isreal do the day after Iran successfully tests a nuclear bomb? Will Saudia Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt join Isreal in doing it? Meantime, (I'll entertain a liberal fantasy here) Hillary will be standing in the Rose Garden with her dick in her hand.
This "deal" increases the likelihood of such a war. Sanctions were wearing down the Iranian economy and slowing their work. Now they're going to get a massive influx of cash plus a pledge from the US to protect them while they enrich uranium (we're just trying to be fair). Both Kerry and Obama have said that they don't really expect Iran to abide by the terms of the "deal".

What will Isreal do the day after Iran successfully tests a nuclear bomb? Will Saudia Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt join Isreal in doing it? Meantime, (I'll entertain a liberal fantasy here) Hillary will be standing in the Rose Garden with her dick in her hand. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How come your question is never "why does the security council want Iran to have a nuclear weapon"?
  • shanm
  • 07-24-2015, 03:56 PM
This "deal" increases the likelihood of such a war. Sanctions were wearing down the Iranian economy and slowing their work. Now they're going to get a massive influx of cash plus a pledge from the US to protect them while they enrich uranium (we're just trying to be fair). Both Kerry and Obama have said that they don't really expect Iran to abide by the terms of the "deal".

What will Isreal do the day after Iran successfully tests a nuclear bomb? Will Saudia Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt join Isreal in doing it? Meantime, (I'll entertain a liberal fantasy here) Hillary will be standing in the Rose Garden with her dick in her hand. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jesus Christ you fucktard, the entire goal of economic sanctions was to bring Iran to the negotiating table.

Whatever happened to the Iran being "a couple months away" from the nuclear bomb? That was with the sanctions you ignorant fuckstick. Now they're fifteen fucking years away at the very least.

Yeah a "better" deal would be "better" (funny how words work), but like Kerry said, there is no fucking unicorn fantasy deal alternative that your ilk could have come up with.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It's hilarious. He's scared shitless... and yet he keeps coming back. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sir I am not scared I just want justice served why are certain members allowed to break the rules? It makes the MOD of this forum look weak and ineffective. I don't feel safe in these forums.
  • DSK
  • 07-24-2015, 05:32 PM
Quit picking on WE!!
Give me an alternative that does not end up with catastrophic regional war. Originally Posted by BigLouie
How do you know this won't end in a catastrophic regional war?

Kerry outright lied in the Senate Hearing. The Obama Administration was not forthcoming about the 2 secret agreements until two Senators found out about them. I barely trust the Iranians less.
Sir I am not scared I just want justice served why are certain members allowed to break the rules? It makes the MOD of this forum look weak and ineffective. I don't feel safe in these forums. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Then either stop posting or go to a WRTM "meet and greet" for a some Austin reacharound action.
Jesus Christ you fucktard, the entire goal of economic sanctions was to bring Iran to the negotiating table.

Whatever happened to the Iran being "a couple months away" from the nuclear bomb? That was with the sanctions you ignorant fuckstick. Now they're fifteen fucking years away at the very least.

Yeah a "better" deal would be "better" (funny how words work), but like Kerry said, there is no fucking unicorn fantasy deal alternative that your ilk could have come up with. Originally Posted by shanm
You've hit the nail on the head. What does he think the sanctions were for? And his ilk never have any alternative to outright war, except some fairy dust plan that they think exists inside droplets of unicorn piss, but we never see it.
Sir I am not scared I just want justice served why are certain members allowed to break the rules? It makes the MOD of this forum look weak and ineffective. I don't feel safe in these forums. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If I didn't feel safe, I wouldn't come back. If you don't feel safe, why do you keep returning?
Sir I am not scared I just want justice served why are certain members allowed to break the rules? It makes the MOD of this forum look weak and ineffective. I don't feel safe in these forums. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Who is FORCING you to keep coming into these forums ? You sure need to grow a set !! You're blocking woomby's path to run to the mods with your BS. The Huffington Post is more your speed. Go over there and bask in the glory of being a liberal asshole extraordinaire ! You'll be right in tune with their AGENDA !!!!!!
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JCM800's Avatar
Sir I am not scared I just want justice served why are certain members allowed to break the rules? It makes the MOD of this forum look weak and ineffective. I don't feel safe in these forums. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
WE, don't you live in the Dallas area? ...aren't you literally swimming in hookers down there? Why not use this site for it's actual intended purpose and go get laid, lol ...stop worrying about all this stupid shit posted in here.

How would the US react if another country came in, more than once, and deposed our democratically elected leaders and caused strife? Would we want peace with that country or would we want to kick their ass? We fucked Iran over, several times. And because we are the US, we think it somehow gives us the right. Says who?
This message is hidden because Rey Lengua is on your ignore list. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you DIDN'T get that surgery out in California to attach some balls to you , did you eunuch ? Musta been too busy recruiting new employees for all those glory hole franchises that you're opening up there in Arkansas, huh undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker ? Here I try to remove an obstacle in your "run to the mods" when you get your ass kicked here, and you still have me on ignore. Have you and shammy " broken in " those brown sheets yet that we sent to you as a "wedding gift " ? And you haven't even sent a thank you note to all of us on here that chipped in to buy them ! Ungrateful peter puffers !! Guess you had your heart set on some kitchen hot pads from the CHili's restaurant chain. Those with all the Jalapenos on them !!!!!