This may the worse demographic lie you have told to date.That group your stupid ass and Standing Stupid constantly brag about voting dim-retard is the PhD group, M T Brain Socket. However, it's a minority group that is more than offset by the high school dropouts who vote dim-retard, M T Brain Socket. It's notable how the dim-retard media no longer counts "drop outs" as a separate demographic group but rather lumps them in with high school graduates, M T Brain Socket. But an intelligent, discerning person can easily see that certain demographic groups with a disproportionately high dropout rate overwhelmingly voted dim-retard, M T Brain Socket. Statistics don't lie, M T Brain Socket, but dim-retards like you do. High school graduates and those with some college constitute early 60% of the voting population, M T Brain Socket, and they went for Trump, M T Brain Socket. hildebeest received the vast majority of the high school dropout vote -- just like Odumbo did with 64% of the dropout vote in 2012, M T Brain Socket.
I will also point out that your comment
Is true of both Trump and Clinton since the majority of voters have an education, it stands to reason that they both could have a majority of educated voters. The real question is who has the highest percentage.
Then you have the uneducated base that put him on top.
Here is his numbers compared to other Republicans.
And while you did not bring any racial demographics into it. I am sure that was your next move so I went ahead and answered that rebuttal as well. Try again LOL!
And the gap is closing rapidly as shown in this link. Originally Posted by MT Pockets