Reminders of the hobby and where it goes awry

I'm sure we all have them. For me, everytime I see someone with a diamond floating over their head I think of Chelsea (okay - I think about her even without those darned diamonds over people's heads). Arlington reminds me of the hobby. Movies even remind me of providers. It can be awkward to smile at something and have to come up with a "non-hobby" related reason - especially when people know you love cucumbers but you can't look at one without cracking up anymore (thanks Dannie!).

But when does it get to be too much?

I'll tell ya' when - when hobbyists start taking out ADS in places the rest of us go. I couldn't believe it! I thought "ahh... pizza... no cucumbers there... can get it outside arlington... and no one there can afford diamonds above their head". Absolutely NO hobby related associations.

WRONG! I go in to get pizza and what do I see? A sign promoting a sale on "Family Size DeLites"! Of all things... A hobbyist taking out ads. Thanks PMD! You ruined my pizza experience! Originally Posted by CenterLock

I just woke up, but my interpretation of this; went to saw a really cute gal on there.. went to make contact, found out she is actually an escort.. and there is a price! LOL

Or was it something else you are describing? Did I miss the point of what you posted?

I was in a conference, and one older lady was talking, very professional engineer, and all I could think of was "yea, I do her for $200, definitely" Originally Posted by needingmilking
Naw, that is just a man who sees paid pussy in every woman. It has a name! Objectification! Lawls...
Guest042715's Avatar
I had to make a midnight run for formula the other night and as i was passing the baby isle i see something called "Nipple Butter". I found my self standing there and smiling thinking about a different kind of nipple butter.....
pmdelites's Avatar
i'm not so sure that it is the real world incorporating this sub-culture into the real world [or at least real world people doing that]....

i think our minds and memories have been so touched / influenced / corrupted by this sub-culture that whenever we see something in the real-world that we saw in this sub-culture, our minds go into hobby mode.

another example - at la duni at northpark mall, the patio seating area has a sign that says "full service area". i dont think you could tell me with a straight face that someone at la duni hobbies and thought that would be cool and funny to place out there.

oh and center lock, if you only knew what that offer of "Family Size DeLites" was all about!!!! ["keep your mind out of the gutter, son!! :^) :^) :^)"]
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 02-02-2011, 09:53 AM
I cannot drive any major area of Metro, many apartments/hotels remind me of the hobby experiences I had there. It now has started looking like the ALDI map over the metro-I have double that of ALDI!!
I was in a conference, and one older lady was talking, very professional engineer, and all I could think of was "yea, I do her for $200, definitely" Originally Posted by needingmilking
Wow. Awesome.
I've learned to recognize (h*ll, I keep track of it for her -- what woman *doesn't* know when that time of the month is coming?) when D is open to teasing about her work, and when she's gonna come after me, claws bared.

But then, I can turn nearly anything into an innuendo. Including the word "innuendo." Bahdumpah -- thank you thank you, I'm here all week -- try the veal, and don't forget to take of your waitstaff....