What should we do about Donald Trump?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Let’s see... the Dow is up 10,000

And most of The Dems are idiots!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
I find the focus on the Dow interesting.

Prior to the 2016 election, Republican economic focus on this board was on the inability of Obama to reach 3.0% and higher GDP growth and how under Trump it would be in the high 3s and possibly 4% growth.

Now that it is obvious that will not happen (came close in 2018 with massive tax breaks given to corporations) I have not heard word one from Trump supporters on this forum on this issue. 2.9% in 2018, estimate of about 2.3% in 2019, and 2.0% in 2020 .

Unemployment is at 3.6%. Fantastic! It has come down 1% in the almost 3 years Trump has been in office.

Due to tariffs U.S. companies are not investing in their infrastructure. Tariffs are estimated to be costing families in this country $1000 a year, much more than the average family gained in the recent tax reform.

So focus on the DOW and ignore all other economic indicators.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As an add-on to my previous post:

"The U.S. economy will barely grow at all in the fourth quarter, if two Federal Reserve gauges that track gross domestic product are correct.

With some recent data coming in below expectations, both the Atlanta and New York Fed’s trackers have lowered their expectations for the last three months of 2019.

According to the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow, growth is likely to come in at just 0.3%. The New York Fed’s GDP Nowcast is showing a gain of 0.4%."

I will say that several times the Atlanta Fed GDP tracker low-balls the estimate by a tenth or two. And Kiplinger is projecting GDP growth at about 1.9% in the 4th quarter of 2019, and 1.8% in 2020, unless the trade war with China is resolved.

But the fact remains that GDP growth will be nowhere near the minimum 3.0% predicted by Trump and his supporters.

I remember Ellen posting on this board back in April, gloating about the 3.1% GDP growth in 1Q19. She's been very silent on the issue since then.
Back to the OP's question, what should we do about Donald Trump? .....well that's easy, re-elect him next November, and then in 2025 work can begin on putting him on Mt. Rushmore .....
Dev Null's Avatar
Not a chance, he'll insist that all the other presidents on Mt. Rushmore be demolished to make more room for him. Plus he'll want the name changed to Mt. Trump in his honor.
winn dixie's Avatar
Not a chance, he'll insist that all the other presidents on Mt. Rushmore be demolished to make more room for him. Plus he'll want the name changed to Mt. Trump in his honor. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Please provide proof on this statement!

Otherwise it is an outright lie! Typical demeaning statement from a lib!
Dev Null's Avatar
It was a rhetorical device known as "hyberbole", much beloved by our current president.
winn dixie's Avatar
Typical crawfishin'
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please provide proof on this statement!

Otherwise it is an outright lie! Typical demeaning statement from a lib! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Did you really take his statement seriously?
Dev Null's Avatar
Did you really take his statement seriously? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Of course not, just standard-issue right-wing hypocrisy. Always so down on snowflakes and political correctness, until someone offends their delicate sensibilities. Then stand by while they unleash all of their repressed moral outrage and self-righteous indignation in spades.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny how the LSM is missing that most of AMERICA thinks it a witch hunt
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Funny how the LSM is missing that most of AMERICA thinks it a witch hunt Originally Posted by rexdutchman
That is not true. First, whether someone supports or does not support impeachment does not mean that person considers the impeachment process to be a "witch hunt".

Second, according to FiveThirtyEight which summarizes ALL polls on impeachment, the majority of people in this country, by a slim margin, with 46.3% favoring impeachment. That margin is currently at +.7% favoring impeachment, down from +5.8% in mid-October. But in late September, only 40.9% supported impeachment. So those supporting impeachment has grown since then.


I am neither for nor against impeachment at this point in time. I will wait until the hearings reach a conclusion. But we all know even if Trump is impeached he will not be convicted.
Agent220's Avatar
The question isnt whether Trump will be impeached. He's going to be impeached by the House.

What we need to ask is whether the Senate will remove him? Highly doubtful unless the economy takes a turn. As much as people talk about GDP, stock numbers and etc, we are on an economic bubble.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The question isnt whether Trump will be impeached. He's going to be impeached by the House.

What we need to ask is whether the Senate will remove him? Highly doubtful unless the economy takes a turn. As much as people talk about GDP, stock numbers and etc, we are on an economic bubble. Originally Posted by Agent220
67 votes are needed for conviction by the Senate. There are 47 Democratic senators and even if they all vote for conviction, 20 Republican senators would have to join them. Will not happen.

The status of the economy is irrelevant.
winn dixie's Avatar
The question isnt whether Trump will be impeached. He's going to be impeached by the House.

What we need to ask is whether the Senate will remove him? Highly doubtful unless the economy takes a turn. As much as people talk about GDP, stock numbers and etc, we are on an economic bubble. Originally Posted by Agent220
Thank you valued poser for posting the obvious on the house and senate!
Brilliant .