Loss of Manners or Equal Rights?

Guest091314's Avatar
it gets my motor going when a guy is being a complete gentleman.
It makes me smile when I see that some people still have it.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-12-2012, 07:14 PM
I make a point to hold the door open when I see parents with young kids.
wolfking1212's Avatar
I believe it is a product of how that person was raised. I live and grew up in the "country" and it was ingrained in me to always be polite, say "yes sir" and "Yes ma'am", and open doors, etc. I think so many people have lost that over the years and it is a sad thing. Also, although it's nice to get a positive response, I don't expect it for doing what I should be doing anyway. If no response is given, I simply go along my way knowing I did the "right" thing.
it gets my motor going when a guy is being a complete gentleman.
It makes me smile when I see that some people still have it. Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts
So, Anastasia, what's the dating world like these days re manners? It's been better than 25 years since I went on a genuine date (wiith someone other than the SO) so I haven't a clue if the men still come to your door to escort you to the car....open your door....compliment you on the way you look...your eyes...perfume..etc....open your door when you arrive...open your door to the club or restaurant..wlak with (not in front of behind) you....demonstrate pride and gratefullness that you're in their company...pull back your chair ...stand whenever you get up...etc...etc...etc...
opie308's Avatar
A quote that believe applicable from the original version of "Twelve Angry Men" when asked he called the other men "sir"...

"The reason I do is the same reason why you do not, it was how I was raised. "
Ladies and gents alike are all guilty.

Manners and etiquette are becoming extinct. Sit on a plane for a while, and watch the guys who see a lady struggle to get her bag in an overhead bin, yet they won't get off their dead ass to help! People have forgotten please, thank you, excuse me, and a host of other terms that indicate good manners. Folks have also forgotten the simple courtesy of a smile.

I am a door holder, random act of kindness guy too. Used to be if someone didn't say thanks, I'd get hacked off. Now, I just write it off and realize they have no clue.

Our society has become "me, myself and I" driven, and that mentality manifests itself in boorish behaviour. Mobile devices are the height of that lifestyle...how many times do you see a group, where one or two of the folks are of busy texting or emailing they're oblivious to the rest of the group. In my book, that's a huge slap in the face to everyone else who have the good manners to remain engaged socially.
"The reason I do is the same reason why you do not, it was how I was raised. "

Perfect !

I was raised that way: I open doors, I stand up when a woman leaves or comes back to the table, hold the chair, etc.

I am amazed by how many women don't know / weren't raised to expect that. All the females I grew up with will not get out of the car unless you open the door for them, will stand at the door until you open it.

It goes both ways: If the ladies want the men to behave like gentleman, then you must allows us to, by behaving like ladies.

I much prefer the old school ways. One knows his / her place and the proper methodology to act civil.

Now on to table manners.... !

PS: I am also an excellent pussy eater ! hehehe ! LOL !
pyramider's Avatar
Ladies and gents alike are all guilty.

Manners and etiquette are becoming extinct. Sit on a plane for a while, and watch the guys who see a lady struggle to get her bag in an overhead bin, yet they won't get off their dead ass to help! Originally Posted by Tony Patella

I am one of those dead asses. If you cannot lift the damn bag you check it. Its a pretty simple concept. I have helped so many people shove bloated carryons its not funny. I just do not do it anymore.
I am one of those dead asses. If you cannot lift the damn bag you check it. Its a pretty simple concept. I have helped so many people shove bloated carryons its not funny. I just do not do it anymore. Originally Posted by pyramider
How about my Mom, and sister, both 5'0, petite and less than 105 lbs? Or any one of thousands of other peeple that fit this profile, maybe even the 90 year old grandmother (or grandfather...hell, this doesn't have to be gender specific) who can't lift 25 pounds but still flies on occasion. Who said anything about a bloated bag?
Love to see your inconsiderate ass sitting on a triple 7, watching them even reach the overheads. Yep, you've got manners!

It's not about the overstuffed bag...it's all about common courtesy.
Maybe I was raised right. I will always open the door for a lady, whether her hands are full or not.
There are certain places you can still go (Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, notice no US cities in this list) where women will, as another poster noted, wait for doors to be opened for them. They expect to be treated as ladies AND believe that there are a sufficient number of gentlemen in the immediate vicintiy to meet her expectations. Every now and then, most recently at the main interest to the downtown Neimans, I observed an older woman standing at the door while she anticipated an older man would hold the door open for her. He did, she expressed her appreciation bu simply nodding as he smiled. Lost art. Sad.
pyramider's Avatar
How about my Mom, and sister, both 5'0, petite and less than 105 lbs? Or any one of thousands of other peeple that fit this profile, maybe even the 90 year old grandmother (or grandfather...hell, this doesn't have to be gender specific) who can't lift 25 pounds but still flies on occasion. Who said anything about a bloated bag?
Love to see your inconsiderate ass sitting on a triple 7, watching them even reach the overheads. Yep, you've got manners!

It's not about the overstuffed bag...it's all about common courtesy. Originally Posted by Tony Patella
For the elderly, I will assist ... all others need to check their luggage. Common sense should rule ... if you cannot lift it, check it. Obviously you do not fly much otherwise you would know exactly what I am talking about.
"Obviously you do not fly much otherwise you would know exactly what I am talking about."

Where did the thread deviate from common courtesy to common sense? No, I don't fly much...just been a million miler on AA for some years now. And every week I see the self absorbed ass clowns not helping out ladies and gents alike. I just shake my head in disbelief. Hell, every once in a while I'll help a flight attendant who's obviously tired or struggling. They appreciate the hell out of it, because travelers think they exist to wait on them hand and foot. Again, a simple courtesy and act of kindness. It costs NOTHING!

Common courtesy...reminds me of cases where the reviewer that states "we hung out and went way over the scheduled time. But the lady never complained!" Yes ass hat, just because you had the boorish manners to overstay your welcome, doesn't mean she forgot her manners. If she did, shed care not about offending you toss your inconsiderate carcass out the door.
I am all about being treated as an equal.. Not walking behind a guy but maybe just a step in front while his hand is on my lower back.

But i tell you... its such a wonderful feeling when a gentleman takes a minute out of his time to hold a door for me.

I recall about 6 months ago that a gentleman held a door open for his GF.. and as he was walking behind her he stopped and held the door for me too. His GF bitch slapped him.. How DARE he!!! LOL

I do think its all about upbringing..like whats been said. Hell.. even i have held a door for a lady whose arms were full... its just common courtesy.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 04-13-2012, 03:43 PM
I knew their were A Few Good Men left.....................
I have a 13yr old son and his manorisms are impeccable!!