Very BAD NEWS.. Pay attention

The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Fyi they sell battery operated pumps to keep air bubbles in the tank, mine survived a week in a ice chest w one. and im talking 5 inch Parrots Originally Posted by subcilla
You keep your Parrots in a fish tank.... dang ... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Exactly what I was thinking...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Parrot Fish

The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Our way was funnier....

BTW, I'm on top AND under Brooke.
talk about hijacked threads....
NSL have been around since th patriot act...yes they have been abused, FBI agents have used them to check on neighbors, ex's. what ever.

they are not designed for local LE to get a bead on you, or listen to your voice mail.
if you have some evidence that they are being used on the local LE, go ahead and post it.

returning to your normal hijacked thread....
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-23-2010, 04:18 AM
Parrot Fish

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

WOW. What a pretty fish. Glad all is well. I just wanted to say good morning to
boardman's Avatar
Parrot Fish

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Do they talk?
bullet0's Avatar
They will start using this method to get access to phone records including voicemails, records, messages. No need for them to ask the phone companies since is very easy to get the voicemails outta everyone mobile phone. Message me for a proof from one of the providers in Houston. Originally Posted by LEhaX0r
Voicemail is typically not stored in someones phone, but at the service provider.

LEhaxOr: I do not disbelieve you, and I do not challenge you; yet there is language in this FAQ that says it must be a national security investigation. Are the local LE and the feds playing fast-and-loose with a serious anti-terrist tool? Originally Posted by ICU 812
It also specifically states they can get the transactional records of electronic communications, but NOT the content. In other words, they can see who you talked to, but not what you said.
boardman's Avatar
Parrot Fish

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
You'd think there would be a you tube video or something of one of these parrot fish talking. At least "Nemo wants a finger mullet". But I can't find anything. WTF?
Timk48's Avatar
The last time I saw parrot fish was when I went scuba diving in Cozumel, Mexico. I didn't know they were being kept in private aquariums. Nice fish!

As for LE, they will use any means to stamp out lawlessness...sometimes it could be a good thing...I just wish violent crime were eradicated.
ck1942's Avatar
Gee.... since I actually read the post on, I noticed these (quotes)

What is a National Security Letter?
A National Security Letter (NSL) is a letter request for information from a third party that is issued by the FBI or by other government agencies with authority to conduct national security investigations.

NSLs, however, are subject to two significant limitations. First, they are only available for authorized national security investigations (international terrorism or foreign intelligence/counterintelligence investigations), not general criminal investigations or domestic terrorism investigations. Second, unlike administrative subpoenas and grand jury subpoenas, NSLs can only be used to seek certain transactional information permitted under the five NSL provisions, and NSLs cannot be used to acquire the content of any communications.

I did not anywhere see where the City of Houston or the State of Texas was listed as having any authority in this instance.
boardman's Avatar
The last time I saw parrot fish was when I went scuba diving in Cozumel, Mexico. I didn't know they were being kept in private aquariums. Nice fish! Originally Posted by Timk48
Did they talk to you?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Gee.... since I actually read the post on, I noticed these (quotes)

What is a National Security Letter?
A National Security Letter (NSL) is a letter request for information from a third party that is issued by the FBI or by other government agencies with authority to conduct national security investigations.

NSLs, however, are subject to two significant limitations. First, they are only available for authorized national security investigations (international terrorism or foreign intelligence/counterintelligence investigations), not general criminal investigations or domestic terrorism investigations. Second, unlike administrative subpoenas and grand jury subpoenas, NSLs can only be used to seek certain transactional information permitted under the five NSL provisions, and NSLs cannot be used to acquire the content of any communications.

I did not anywhere see where the City of Houston or the State of Texas was listed as having any authority in this instance.
Originally Posted by ck1942
There you go again... unhijacking a hijacked thread with factual information .. when are you going to learn... facts carry very little weight in an alarmist thread ... see Chicken Little ...
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Do they talk? Originally Posted by boardman
They only repeat what they hear other fish say...
boardman's Avatar
They only repeat what they hear other fish say... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
proper's Avatar
saltwater fish tanks are the best. I have a small tank with live corals . got a clown fish/watchman Gobi, damsel (blue) starfish etc.