Date wedding..

Torito's Avatar
Let's do keep this thread on track. OP has asked for help and suggestions in making a decision. Criticism of contributors is neither on track nor productive.

Torito's Avatar
Nothing Ventured nothing Gained. Live life on the edge you can be conservative when your dead! Originally Posted by luvstolickalot
My view on that is a little different. If for some reason thing should go sour, the OP is not the primary person who has something to lose. This is a major life event for two people. He is not one of them. There are also two families involved. Probably not his.

For me it is OK for me to gamble with events in my life, but do I have that right for others?Torito
Black Sedan's Avatar
yea.. I did think of that but I met the bride a few wks ago with my friend the groom and a cpl of her friends present and.. well going off what I saw pickens will be slim.. Originally Posted by dvldog2111
That's too bad. What a waste of a wedding party!
and really I normally wouldn't mind going stag, but kind of want a date for this particular event. Originally Posted by dvldog2111
I can think of another reason - you want to make some other chick jealous by bringing a extremely hot date.

I think you'd better plan to take a lady who you've been BCD with before. This isn't the time to gamble.

I have to admit, I've never gone stag to a wedding... oh wait, there was one time. Oh shit... yeah... good times.

I wish I had something to add about what the ladies would expect in compensation. I do hope only those ladies who would take this topic seriously would chime in.

Trying to take jabs at who I associate with is childish at best since you have zero idea of who I do associate in public.

My point of my reply is that it appears this newbie is asking for advice and given he clearly does not have a regular provider or two that he might know well enough and have spent enough time in social settings that he might have felt comfortable in asking, I'm trying to give my opinion.

You on the other hand are doing nothing but attacking those like myself who have replied with cautionary statements which makes me wonder what your agenda is with regard to this thread. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
#1-He's not a newbie

#2-I was not taking jabs at you-merely making an observation-and suggestion. If you have witnessed THAT many meltdowns and improper behavior by ladies then obviously you have not been surrounding yourself with ones who know how to carry themselves duh!

#3-You are correct-I don't know who you associate with either on the board or off (other than through your reviews and through personal conversations we have had in the past). But based on your own admission, apparently whoever it is has not been the best scenario for you according to the statement.....
As someone who has not only witnessed more than his fair share of meltdowns and improper behavior by escorts for a very long time Originally Posted by LazurusLong
That came straight from the horse's mouth. I merely suggested perhaps better playmates/friends/escorts would better suit you.

#4-I attacked no one. I only made an observation of some folks' opinions of escorts that was duly noted in this thread. Some guys act like just because we are escorts we have no sense and don't know how to act. Like we can't be taken to a public venue or something. I hardly think she's going to attach a neon sign to her ass and have it flash "he hired me." "We" aren't all stupid idiots. Believe it or not, some of our parents did raise us right-with common sense, manners, and intelligence-regardless of our occupations. Believe it or not, many here are college educated, college graduates, and have full-time occupations aside from this where we have bosses and Christmas parties and everything. Imagine that!

#5-I have no agenda.

#6-"myself" is a reflexive pronoun for the word "I" that is incorrectly used in that sentence. You would be better served by using the objective pronoun "me" (now THAT was childish if you want to get technical)

Let's do keep this thread on track. OP has asked for help and suggestions in making a decision. Criticism of contributors is neither on track nor productive.

Torito Originally Posted by Torito
Sorry Torito...just make them taste like chicken please....

And Black Sedan, I agree with you.

Back to your regularly scheduled program....

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-01-2011, 06:45 PM
raises hand Originally Posted by LuckJack
I seem to remember you toke a lovely provider as your date to a wedding ?
Wordsmith's Avatar
I can think of several providers I'd have no problem taking to a wedding or another event. I've taken a provider to a friend's Super Bowl party and everyone adored her. Took a provider to a pre-game party and baseball game, had a great time and then went to dinner afterwards. They were both wonderful ladies and companions. Granted it wasn't a wedding, but I would have no problem taking either to a wedding or another social occasion.
Bobave's Avatar
I'm truyl not trying to be offensive, but you did ask for comments and I'm going to give you a straightforward one... that's a really dumbass idea...
My advice.

Someone I would suggest to my best friend to take - since he KNOWS what I do and might ask me the same thing....?
Autumn Spring.
She doesn't drink other than maybe a couple of sips of wine these days. (if that. I don't either..but moving on.)

She has the clothes to wear I"m sure (unlike myself).

She can blend in and not outshine the bride. (I on the other hand am over six feet tall with red hair. everyone notices me. regardless if I"m in my jammies at the store getting advil for the baby's fever - or rockin a skirt and low cut shirt.)

She's not very chatty. (again, unlike myself...but she isn't going to clam up either)

She's super duper private about everything. (yeah, I've been accused of TMI before...not that I couldn't tone it down for this type of thing...but still, moving on)

I'm positive she can pull off whatever story you want to come up with, I'd just make sure ya'll come up with it together. (and just thinking of how cute she'd be getting sweet kisses....awwww!)

Then when the wedding is over, you can take her home and motorboat those tatas that you've been drooling over all night. (be sure you ask her to wear something hot under the dress she wears to the wedding.....I highly, highly suggest thigh highs. )

As far as a rate goes - I really don't think you would offend most rational thinking providers in today's market. We all have rent. - if you provide the time frame you need help to cover the wedding, and then the time you think you'd be going BCD afterwards. Ask her to suggest a rate that would be acceptable for both of you, then go from there. (and if I were you - to make her more comfortable with the situation, I might offer a small deposit to make sure she is confident that she's not turning down clients to spend the day with you - and then you are just going to cancel on her anyways.)

Sorry miss lady (don't have your name from your post) - but the "paying for our time" line is valid only to a certain point.
Guys don't like to be treated like idiots nor do they like that chit thrown up in their faces. Maybe I'm old.....and they've decided they like that kind of treatment while I was gone. But I highly doubt it.

Also - there are jacked up situations I'm sure you could get in with a ton of the girls out here. I put my whole name, my rep - I even swear on my kids that Autumn Spring wouldn't pull any chit like what ol boy was saying. THAT'S the kind of gal she is - and that's the kind of gal I'd send off with my best friend to a wedding date.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Hmm, I know the ladies screen better than most of us men, myself included so if I were to think of such a think myself I'd ask for some help from some of the other guys who had seen the ladies on my short list for advice from there. Would I, probally, but who knows?
As for the rate hmm?? I try not to haggle over her posted rate for normal BCD fun, but a mixed outing & BCD I would remind my self or bud asking for advice it is a business deal. Perhaps another way of looking at it is to ask for multi-hour or volume discount, the volume here being her time. She is missing out on other clients to spent time with me no matter what we are doing and you don't want to piss her off when she could very easily let slip something to someone close to you or the wedding family. A wedding is a bit different than an extra ticket to a base-ball game.
I like the idea of a deposit in advance.
As for looks why not the model type and upstage the bride, but just a little, with class.
Personally, as someone who doesn't want face photos floating around, I'd decline going to a wedding as a paid date because of the photographers.

Also, weddings are boring.
dodger's Avatar
wow, some of you guys have such high opinions of ladies Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Most providers I know, I would be happy to take to any social event. They are pretty and pleasant ladies.
Yes the most lovely provider here and the best friend any man could ever have. OMG that was two years ago, thank you again, "The Woman in Full".

I seem to remember you toke a lovely provider as your date to a wedding ? Originally Posted by fawn
smiley's Avatar
Two things come to mind. One, it would be pretty expensive relative to a civvie date. The wedding is going to be an hour, and you will probably spend a couple hours at the reception before headed bcd. So, you are going to be in it for 4 hours of time. It seems ashame to rent a Ferrari, when you are going to keep it parked in the garage for 75% of the time. Two, will it be socially akward when people start asking how you met? I'm sure the guys aren't going to care, but thier wives/girlfriends/mothers will. It could come back to bite if they are ever in a position to set you up with one of their friends.

That would be fun, though. Let us know how it goes if you decide to do it.
Red Tex's Avatar
Make sure she wasn't the entertainment at the bachelor party!
I've always felt that there's nothing like a romance-themed event (i.e. wedding) to horn up a woman. The last several weddings I've attended had a number of single women that appeared to be on the prowl for some......release.