The Senate Is Drifting Away From Democrats Indefinitely

  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2019, 11:53 AM
A lot may depend on the incoming house, if they go bat shit crazy and spend their time on investigating Trump the article will be correct.
If they stick to business and pass legislation which benefits the country then it may help in the election.
Originally Posted by bamscram

The DPST-led House will spend all their time in Anti-Trump activities. With leaders like AOC, they are already bat-shit crazy - temptation to Impeach Trump is too strong for them to resist - like flies on carrion.

It will keep them out of other mischief - Raising Taxes on everyone except themselves, boondoggle rules and bureaucratic regulations, inserting federal congress" control into any and every aspect of citizen's private lives, and the list goes on and on.

Let 'em impeach all they want - and when conviction fails in the Senate - they will just impeach again. Be my guest - DPSAT's
The Senate is the best chance we have to prevent the fucking liberals from permanently fucking up America.

FUCK THE LIBERAL ASSHOLES. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Problem is the 3 seat majority can go rogue at any time (Romney, Collins, Murkowski). Murkowski will keep her seat until she wants to retire. Collins may be facing a big fight in 2020, given how much to the left she has to lean to keep her seat and her "yes" vote for Kavanaugh. Romney, given his Mormon faith, can be an absolute RINO and Utah will continue to vote him in.

Northeast US is lost to the GOP. California is lost to the GOP. Maybe you start flipping more of those rust-belt Dems to GOP...but when you have a Texas US Senator come very close to losing his seat, I wouldn't count on the Senate being the last stronghold. That role will be the SCOTUS...which is why if Trump wins re-election in 2020, we could literally see a 7-2 majority, if the Senate doesn't flip blue.
bamscram's Avatar
The DPST-led House will spend all their time in Anti-Trump activities. With leaders like AOC, they are already bat-shit crazy - temptation to Impeach Trump is too strong for them to resist - like flies on carrion.

It will keep them out of other mischief - Raising Taxes on everyone except themselves, boondoggle rules and bureaucratic regulations, inserting federal congress" control into any and every aspect of citizen's private lives, and the list goes on and on.

Let 'em impeach all they want - and when conviction fails in the Senate - they will just impeach again. Be my guest - DPSAT's Originally Posted by oeb11

Just because you hate them really doesen't cut any ice.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2019, 05:45 PM
Transferring your own hatred on me does not fly, Sir
I do not hate - I disagree with individuals and their opinions.

Hatred is the Anti-Fa vile and violent DPST - and it is ultimately self-destructive.

Be my guest - hate all you want - I don't care.
bamscram's Avatar
Transferring your own hatred on me does not fly, Sir
I do not hate - I disagree with individuals and their opinions.

Hatred is the Anti-Fa vile and violent DPST - and it is ultimately self-destructive.

Be my guest - hate all you want - I don't care. Originally Posted by oeb11

LOL I am not the hater here. don't confuse me for one of your RRSAH buddies. Hatred is a substance that carotids its carrier.
  • oeb11
  • 01-03-2019, 12:55 PM
Hatred is a substance that carotids its carrier.

Ah BS - that makes no sense
Do you know what a carotid is?
Ignorance must be bliss
Hatred is a substance that carotids its carrier.

Ah BS - that makes no sense
Do you know what a carotid is?
Ignorance must be bliss Originally Posted by oeb11
Was thinking the same thing. I've never even seen it used as a verb.
bamscram's Avatar
Hatred is a substance that carotids its carrier.

Ah BS - that makes no sense
Do you know what a carotid is?
Ignorance must be bliss Originally Posted by oeb11
Was thinking the same thing. I've never even seen it used as a verb. Originally Posted by eccielover

Was a typo should have been corrodes its container. Calling me stupid is a rules violation, no insults.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Was a typo should have been corrodes its container. Calling me stupid is a rules violation, no insults. Originally Posted by bamscram

well guess you'll have to call your spell checker stupid, you did have it on did you? lol!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Was a typo should have been corrodes its container. Calling me stupid is a rules violation, no insults. Originally Posted by bamscram
Calling someone ignorant is not the same as calling some one stupid.

Everyone is ignorant about something and with a little education ignorance can be curable.

Chill your tits.
bamscram's Avatar
Calling someone ignorant is not the same as calling some one stupid.

Everyone is ignorant about something and with a little education ignorance can be curable.

Chill your tits. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Tell that to WU. An insult is an insult
Wakeup's Avatar
If I in my reply seemed to support a perceived insult, then I apologize.

I was just confused at the usage of a word.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Being "offended" these days makes you right.

Im not directing that at anybody either so dont get offended.