New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Would Kick 181 Million Off Private Insurance

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then pound the RTM button, like you always do, oeb11, but get off my fucking back.

Your provocative speech and name calling adds nothing to any debate. Developing your own lexicon, thereby branding your hatred, doesn’t make for a “cogent” or productive debate.

Shirley an educated man like yourself can see that.

Unless you just don’t give a fuck about the subject.

In which case, I suggest you post elsewhere.

This thread as about the OP claiming that Sanders’ proposed bill will turn 181 million voters to Trump.

I read it. Read the story. Called bullshit and explained my position. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Arya .. still claiming 181 million working people don't vote? Why aren't those votes in play? because they ALL hate Trump? or is that just you projecting again ..

the article was about nationalized i.e. socialized health care and the impact. that impact will affect voters in 2020. but you knew that, right??

it doesn't matter that even if it passed, Trump would veto it .. and the support for it is nowhere near strong enough for an override .. the point is that the Democrats are pushing the agenda .. and voters will react to it.
That’s what the primaries are all about. There aren’t 181 million voters in play. Democrats will decide who gets to beat Trump and put an end to this nightmare. If more people want Medicare for All than don’t, then Sanders gets the nomination. And he gets to beat Trump. If not then it’ll be someone else.

Do the math. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The nightmare is the ridicule and false accusations the stupid ass Democrats have been putting Trump through since he took office. No Democrat is going to beat Trump with their stupid ideas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor Trump.

Such a victim. Everybody’s out to get him.

Why the fuck is he still here???
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Poor Trump.

Such a victim.

Why the fuck is he still here??? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Why are you?
There are 20+ people running to be the Democratic nominee for POTUS. I believe only Sanders and Warren are touting Medicare For All.

Even if either of them becomes POTUS, the probability of such a healthcare plan being passed by Congress is next to zero.

Worry about something else. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
We all thought the same thing about Obummercare when Hellary tried it several years previous...the left NEVER stops trying to SHOVE socialism down the throats of the American people. Not ONE Republican voted for the terrible unconstitutional legislation and rightfully so!! It passed so don't say socialism on steroids can't small bite at a time.
reveal your inability to discuss any topic without complete bias. All you’ve got is namecalling. I suggest you save it for the next eight years. You’re gonna need it.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You just had an epiphany of epic proportions!!'re not going to be laughing!!
Poor Trump.

Such a victim. Everybody’s out to get him.

Why the fuck is he still here??? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I doubt Trump feels like a victim. It's the liberals that do. "Trump is so mean, he's so racist". These people are stupid.
Then pound the RTM button, like you always do, oeb11, but get off my fucking back.

Your provocative speech and name calling adds nothing to any debate. Developing your own lexicon, thereby branding your hatred, doesn’t make for a “cogent” or productive debate.

Shirley an educated man like yourself can see that.

Unless you just don’t give a fuck about the subject.

In which case, I suggest you post elsewhere.

This thread as about the OP claiming that Sanders’ proposed bill will turn 181 million voters to Trump.

I read it. Read the story. Called bullshit and explained my position. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Poor Trump.

Such a victim. Everybody’s out to get him.

Why the fuck is he still here??? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's what I ask myself about you!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's what I ask myself about you!!
3....2.....1..... Originally Posted by bb1961
Does yourself understand the question?

HBANAHAHAHAHAHhahahhahwjqdidja hwhabdjskabwheea!!!!!

Does yourself understand the question?

HBANAHAHAHAHAHhahahhahwjqdidja hwhabdjskabwheea!!!!!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just checking on you Yssup. I was afraid you stroked out and fell on the keyboard.
Does yourself understand the question?

HBANAHAHAHAHAHhahahhahwjqdidja hwhabdjskabwheea!!!!!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't understand the sentence...but I have the feeling you're about to have a MAJOR meltdown and Trump's reelection is still 16 months away.
Are you going to be able to survive??
One minute you going apoplectic and the next you're rolling on the ground laughing...strange VERY strange.
Your friend 95k has that pic(he loves) of his best buddy Jack and I have a feeling you can relate to that.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

But there is health care for all.
65+ medicare
Low income; Medicaid
middle income? through your workplace.

Why should others pay for your health care?

The fun thing about primaries is that you can vote the "other" party line against the front runner in that game.
That’s what the primaries are all about. There aren’t 181 million voters in play. Democrats will decide who gets to beat Trump and put an end to this nightmare. If more people want Medicare for All than don’t, then Sanders gets the nomination. And he gets to beat Trump. If not then it’ll be someone else.

Do the math. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How do we end the nightmare created by all the other DPST programs?

Speaking of Medicare...

I liked the guy from Ohio who proposed lowering the age for eligibility to 50.

There are a lot of fat and disabled people in this country who can't work in their fifties who need the help but at least that won't ruin the private insurance market that works for the healthy people who makes this country function.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We all thought the same thing about Obummercare when Hellary tried it several years previous...the left NEVER stops trying to SHOVE socialism down the throats of the American people. Not ONE Republican voted for the terrible unconstitutional legislation and rightfully so!! It passed so don't say socialism on steroids can't small bite at a time. Originally Posted by bb1961
Obamacare is NOT socialism.

"ObamaCare isn’t “socialism“. Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry that uses a mix of public and private funding. This is best described as a “quasi-private” healthcare system, or more technically, “a quasi-private, regulated, free-market-based insurance and delivery system, that uses subsidization, regulation, and taxation (sort of a mash-up of capitalism, socialism, and corporatism)”."

"Is Obamacare borderline Communism/Socialism?

The ACA or Obamacare is a requirement that citizens who do not have employer-provided healthcare insurance either buy it, among the other possible places on a government regulated healthcare marketplace with subsidies for lower income people, or pay a fine. A requirement that people purchase a product provided by private companies on a private market or pay a fine for not doing so is not even close to socialism."

Yes, not one Republican in the House and Senate voted for Obamacare. That is why I consider it of utmost importance to not have one party control both the presidency and both the House and Senate.

The vote to repeal/replace the ACA never made it to the Senate floor because, even with a Republican majority in the Senate, several Republican Senators saw how terrible the AHCA was and would not support it.