How Many...

Hercules's Avatar
Thank gawd for porn and Rosie Palm or else my boys would explode after a week.
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you have 40 quickies with a provider in a month, are you an addict???
johnnybax's Avatar
For me it all depends what else is going on in my life. If I am wrapped up with business and family affairs I can go about a week without really missing it. When things are going good and I'm not involved in everything under the sun, everyday I need a release!
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 01-05-2010, 05:41 PM
.......people, people, people.............get a hold of yourself!......... Originally Posted by bobachman
Oh! if that's the case, only about 12 hours
stealth's Avatar
Hell, I have a SO ... I have already proven I can lose track of time.