♛ It's a celebration bitches ♛

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
94 combined points.. Down to nil. I felt like it was cause for a celebration. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

94 gotdamn! Wooowwww .... Lol bravo? I've only gotten 3 (0 now).
this is going to be awesomeee!

notanewbie's Avatar
hey LD, I am pointless too, lets give em' a double.
your high maintenance ass charges to much McDreamy... perhaps you should sit this one out until your gps wanes.
notanewbie's Avatar
gds... ijs
pyramider's Avatar
your high maintenance ass charges to much McDreamy... perhaps you should sit this one out until your gps wanes. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

I am a lot cheaper than NAN and pointless.
You told me I could be your first client when/if you got back from your sabbatical. I was gonna make that shit gush like niagara falls. I feel cheated.
Technically, I haven't taken it yet.. Just a small break.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm pointless too...............figured I would get in on some of this action as well...........LOL
I will ask you guys...

Can I extend my drawing out one more week?

should I or shouldn't I?
notanewbie's Avatar
you know what, fuc you...I bought 86 raffle tickets and 17 Chocolate almond bars from you and I still didn't win.

You can suck my big black dick.
you know what, fuc you...
You can suck my big black dick. Originally Posted by notanewbie
so that was you that gave me that 1 like on my ad. awww


you are very welcome Sir.
yea, or nay? I figure quicker would be better but it's starting to get really fun.
Sarunga's Avatar
First, list the five people who asked you to extend the drawing....and then, consider whether it would be fair to the ones who participated and were made to believe that it would end on the 6th.