Cialis / Viagra

I have generic version of the blue pill......started it for stress (major divorce and custody fight) before my high b;blood God....I could go for hours........providers would tap out all the time and only two fuck buddies would let me use them and then only when THEY wanted to get pounded.

Post High blood pressure meds are killing me.........late 50's here and nothing works except the blue pill and then I still only get one pop..........maybe a second pop but only if I edge myself for days prior and then only if I am going bare.

side effects: headache about an two hours after I take it. Stuffed up nose really bad that my buddies at work know I have taken a pill/ got laid the next day at work! and if the wind blows for the next 24 to 36 hours......instant hard on......but empty balls........getting old sucks
Do you stay hatd after climax with Trimix, or are you done for the hour? Asking for a friend
Yes you will stay hard. But know your limits, if you have health problems be content with one pop or no pop at all. Find yourself a good urolgist and get a prescription from him. Do not buy online, and that goes for the pills also, you can get generic ed pills at your local pharmacy for about $10 a pill. And with Tri-Mix, always start off with a low dose until you you find what amount is right for you, if you reckless with this stuff you will end up in the er with a 4 hour erection, but of course your doctor will inform you of this.
mikehammer002001's Avatar
tell me the injection isn't... down there
pfunkdenver's Avatar
tell me the injection isn't... down there Originally Posted by mikehammer002001
directly into the penis...
I prefer cialis since it allows me a quicker recovery and go more than one and done. I can get harder on Viagra and last longer but it doesn't give me the quick recovery that cialis does. my personal experience.
MrTex1959's Avatar
Sorry to hear...Glad you are well... Same just happened to me..Will have to navigate this new life of mine....

How have the ladies reacted to an orgasm with no cum ? Have you gone to AMP and gotten the HE ? Thanks for any info..

I have had prostate cancer. My prostate and all the associated nerves were removed. Viagra does not have any effect on me.

However my urologist has me on a prescription for an inject called 'Trimix' [mixture of alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine]. You have to get over the idea of injecting your penis, but once you do, it works fine. My last injection had me seriously hard for over 5 hours. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
It was a beautiful, 45-ish provider who first told me about Tri-Mix. I nearly fainted at the idea, of course.
But I asked my urologist about it, and he said sure, he prescribes it for patients all the time.
As a previous poster said, there's a mental hurdle to get over. You inject the (thin) needle into the side of your penis -- yep, you stick a needle into your dick -- and with some mild stimulation by your partner, you've got a legitimate hard on in about 20 minutes. YMMV.
Multiple pops depend on you, not the Tri-Mix. If you can go for round two, the Tri-Mix usually can.
You might want to apply some mild ice to junior when you're done, just to help lose the erection. Left to its own devices, I've had my dick stay hard for three hours. My play partner loved it.
The problem is that Tri-Mix isn't very spontaneous. You've got to prepare your dose and inject yourself before having sex, and that puts a damper on the orderly progression of things. But I've found you come to learn what works best for you, as far as timing and foreplay.
Good luck to all of you.
Similar experience with Cialis get got for several hours and pop 3 loads wear my rotation out so much my cum runs down their legs. I can drill through a wall and the ladies love it. Next morning wake up he’d as hell and when one stays over we start again when we wake up. Love that stuff it works magic!