Everyone could use a hug ...

Lana Warren's Avatar
Thank you so much for posting this! It's a reminder to each and every one of us that we need physical touch......without it, we cannot exist! My mission today is to hug at least 20 people! Now, where's my kleenex?
Guest092210's Avatar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
One of my favorite people, Amma, the hugging saint:


"For the past 35 years Amma has dedicated her life to the uplifting of suffering humanity through the simplest of gestures – an embrace. In this intimate manner Amma had blessed and consoled more than 25 million people throughout the world.
When someone asked Amma why she receives every person who comes to her in a loving embrace Amma replied, “ If you ask the river,' why do you flow?' what can it say?”
Amma spends most of her waking hours receiving the distressed and all who come to her for comfort, day after day without a break.
Once a press reporter asked Amma how was it possible for her to embrace each and every one in the same loving way, even if they were diseased or unpleasant. Amma replied, “ When a bee hovers over a garden of varied flowers, what it beholds is not the difference between the flowers but the honey within them. Similarly Amma sees the same Supreme Self in each and every one.”

Great post!! Originally Posted by Dannie
i got to meet her when i was little it was great!!
pmdelites's Avatar
o.f.f., thanks for reminding us that all of us need human contact.

and that life is too short to wallow in small minded b.s. and short sighted drama.

did you see the story of the plano young man who attempted to break the guiness book of world records for the number of hugs in a day??
tho he didnt make it, a great effort.

also found out about "Teddy McHuggin" during a quick websearch.

search for "guinness record hugs" and see you'll plenty of examples of people attempting and succeeding at doing so.
i got to meet her when i was little it was great!! Originally Posted by 214JULES

I would love to see her!!! I put her right up there with the Dalai Lama. So many times in my life I have needed that kind of selfless unconditional love. I wish she was in Dallas, LOL. What an exemplary human being! We should all aspire to be that good to strangers. The world would be a better place.

Hugs to you all!!!
OFF you sent me this the other day and it was just what i needed. Thanks and i have saved it just might need to see it again soon.
Nice one O.F.F. Kudos
Your One Of The True Gentleman on this Board.
Always makes me smile with your Great Pic's
And Now This Great Video. Thank's OFF

Hugs to Everyone

pyramider's Avatar
Why is it I kept waiting for someone to to start grinding?
  • OFF
  • 07-04-2010, 09:26 AM
OFF you sent me this the other day and it was just what I needed. Thanks and I have saved it. Just might need to see it again soon. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Hey KS,

Welcome back ... I have the video over and over and I still have tears come to my eyes each time. I love the shot of the lady raising her camera to get a picture of the group hug and the little children that run up to get a hug.

Have a great 4th!

OFF :-)

God bless America!