not having fun

I would say appreciate the honesty. There are some ladies that don't give a dam and will either NCNS or don't want to miss out on the donation and give a half assed session. I seem to recall one story where a provider fell asleep in the middle of the session. I can't remember who it was that shared that experience or who the provider was.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Summary of this thread ...
Kudos for Bella for her honesty ...
liibear00: too impatient ... IJS
TinMan: Great advise ...
if y'all knew the whole story you may think twice about getting on someone ass about there post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessica Jade's Avatar
if y'all knew the whole story you may think twice about getting on someone ass about there post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by lilbear 00
Please share....
alphaturtle's Avatar
Right, so what's the whole story and why didn't you tell it to begin with?
lucky for you there are countless providers here in Fort Worth, I believe it worked out for the best.
Well dam at least she was honest. I had a guy once tell me he was to hung over to come see me. I told him that I really appreciated him being honest. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I prefer to just say, "I'm too hung to come over"
doug_dfw's Avatar
Honesty is treasured. Alas, by fewer and fewer. Shit happens. Live with it. She was honest. Respect it. Hope you see her again.
Because of my anger I have made some statements here today that were not true and would like to say I'm sorry to Bella and ever one who was offended by my statement there no more to this than my be mad at the time I posted this .so once again I'm sorry ! To of that like blasting me go ahead I deserve it.
One last post to Bella I'm very sorry for my actions today
pyramider's Avatar
if y'all knew the whole story you may think twice about getting on someone ass about there post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by lilbear 00
You could not be more wrong on that statement. Threads that are stupid need to called as such. I thinck there are other ladies in the Ft Worth that would probably could have been a suitable substitute.

Because of my anger I have made some statements here today that were not true and would like to say I'm sorry to Bella and ever one who was offended by my statement there no more to this than my be mad at the time I posted this .so once again I'm sorry ! To of that like blasting me go ahead I deserve it. Originally Posted by lilbear 00
Uh oh...Sounds like someone got their panties in a wad and were taken to task. I am assuming you are an adult. Being an adult you have to live with the consequences of your decisions. Move forward and learn from your mistakes.
While I can understand having something you planned out fall through be disappointing, I truly hope this thread wasn't intended to put the provider down.

Any provider who gives me notice (prior to me leaving to see her) is A ok in my book. Better than me arriving and no one answering the door or my phonecalls or having a crappy session.

If you're worried about having fun today or this weekend I wouldn't worry about it. There are literally thousands of people, places, or events that would gladly take your money .
HurleyDallas's Avatar
Cancellations are gonna happen all the time!! Always have a plan b.....or a go to provider...

I get cancelled on all the of the game....hell I cancel too! So it goes both ways!
I prefer to just say, "I'm too hung to come over" Originally Posted by Jarvis
Best post in this whole heartbreak of a thread...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Looks like bella dodged a bullet, someone who gets that upset and reckless with his posting over a cancellation is someone i wouldnt want to see anyway.