Elisabeth Warren and others will make an effort to re-enact the Glass Stegall Act

She's just another phony liberal liar. She reminds me of Ward Chuchill who also lied about being an American Indian to get tenure at the University of Colorado-Boulder. If Democrats had any shame, she'd be forced out of the party. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So you approve of the Credit Default swaps, Lehman Bros, AIG, the housing and stock market crash and you are now supporting the defeat of the lady who was to head the CPA and stop repeat offenses like what just happened with Chase?

You are certainly a stupid person and one with a partisan affliction that renders your posts irrelevant.

She "reminds you"? LMMFAO.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are certainly a stupid person and one with a partisan affliction that renders your posts irrelevant. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Did you really post that?

Why do you post meaningless drivel on every single thread in the sandbox, COF?

Post what you have that disqualifies, Elizabeth Warren, not your usual excrement.

Do you think making stupid remarks makes you look smart and that makes a point that Elizabeth Warren is unqualified to lead either the agency or do a better job than Scott Brown who has taken the most in donations for any Senatorial seat from Wall Street?

Are you so stupid that you can only muster replies without meaning?

Boltfan's Avatar

You are certainly a stupid person and one with a partisan affliction that renders your posts irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
And you then post because?

And really LS, you gonna get on the spelling bandwagon now? Is that the extent of your contribution here?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do you post meaningless drivel on every single thread in the sandbox, COF?

Post what you have that disqualifies, Elizabeth Warren, not your usual excrement.

Do you think making stupid remarks makes you look smart and that makes a point that Elizabeth Warren is unqualified to lead either the agency or do a better job than Scott Brown who has taken the most in donations for any Senatorial seat from Wall Street?

Are you so stupid that you can only muster replies without meaning?
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I wasn't taking a stand on Elizabeth Warren. I was taking a stand on you. I thought it was funny that you called someone else on here "a stupid person and one with a partisan affliction that renders your posts irrelevant."

I couldn't have described you better myself. And to top off your stupidity, you think I'm talking about Warren, and accuse me of having a position I never stated, to further your partisan claptrap. Sorry, Dude. THAT'S Funny!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Watch out, Lil Stevie is the master of meaningless drivel. Anger him at your own peril.