Donna Brazille says The DNC's Treatment Of Bernie Sanders Was Like a Cancer.

rexdutchman's Avatar
At least bern was is straight up socialist didn't try to hide that fact , Billary tried to hide that fact like everything else she does and it didn't work people saw the monster.
Guest123018-4's Avatar

No financial disclosure from Bernie once he decided to drop out of the race. It would be hard to explain going from almost no money to being wealty.
lustylad's Avatar
No financial disclosure from Bernie once he decided to drop out of the race. It would be hard to explain going from almost no money to being wealthy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Does this mean he can afford to pay his electric bill now, instead of stealing his neighbor's like he used to do whenever his power was shut off for non-payment?

By the way, Bernie's effective federal tax rate was way below the other candidates who disclosed their returns during the campaign. So much for making the rich pay their "fair share". There was hardly a peep out of the libtard media about this hypocrisy.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Bernie was little more than a useful idiot. Always has been always will be.
He sold out way to cheap.
Isn't BAMSCRAM posting under THAT name KNOWING he's A WELSHER (AGAIN !!!! ) , yet acting as if his " change " to saying he's from KansASS City, make it " all good " ????? Lyin Liberal LEMMING !!!!!!!! AND Junior World Champion Dingle Berry Picker ( for 3 years running ! ) . He can change the "flavors " of preparation H all he want's at the KansASS 'holes. bu(t) we all KNOW ( not no,like the illiterate, barn dweling EUNUCH used to post ! ) WHO HE REALLY IS !
And how he burns with the loss of HIS hero, shrilLIARy ! Once again, he won't honor a bet to take a " vacation " from the board ! At Least assup, swallowed enough testosterone at the Austin Holes to " honor the bet " and take his / her / Caitlyn's " vacation " !
LexusLover's Avatar
No financial disclosure from Bernie once he decided to drop out of the race. It would be hard to explain going from almost no money to being wealty. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You'd have to ask his wife!
Donna Brazile’s excerpts... from her new book, What Really Happened Part II

bamscram's Avatar
Isn't BAMSCRAM posting under THAT name KNOWING he's A WELSHER (AGAIN !!!! ) , yet acting as if his " change " to saying he's from KansASS City, make it " all good " ????? Lyin Liberal LEMMING !!!!!!!! AND Junior World Champion Dingle Berry Picker ( for 3 years running ! ) . He can change the "flavors " of preparation H all he want's at the KansASS 'holes. bu(t) we all KNOW ( not no,like the illiterate, barn dweling EUNUCH used to post ! ) WHO HE REALLY IS !
And how he burns with the loss of HIS hero, shrilLIARy ! Once again, he won't honor a bet to take a " vacation " from the board ! At Least assup, swallowed enough testosterone at the Austin Holes to " honor the bet " and take his / her / Caitlyn's " vacation " ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are the forum idiot gay rey. Go off yourself.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
ekim, maybe bernie will have a real chance next time......bwhaaahaahaahaa