Trumps biggest lie of all

Precious_b's Avatar
... Crikey! ... The Republican Party looks unified to me!
... Trump is WINNING Primary after Primary and is, of course
Leading in the polls over Joe Biden.

And THAT is No Lie...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If you believe that, I invite you to point out all the lies this guy is spewing.

If winning is the judgement then Democrats by default must be unified and solidly behind our current President steamrolling to 4 more years right?

WD has a solid point and the Republican party has lost ground and while the rally cry in this election year has Trump far out in the lead that is a product of him being seen as the only candidate running that has the ability to beat Biden. I hear a lot of anti Trump talk from people who will absolutely only consider Trump in November.

Fact is the growth area is Independent voters in a time where the Democrats have again fumbled, stumbled, and failed yet current polls have Trump v Biden a dead heat. The Republican party is not unified and if for some reason Trump had decided to sit this one out it would have been a shitshow watching them try to put enough lipstick on DeSantis so he didn't get roasted like a pig at luau Originally Posted by DNinja69
Listen to this guy NaCl-y
... I'm seeing and hearing the Polls there, DL.

And how the Independents are abandoning Joe.

... And that's no lie...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
40 percent voting against Trump with majority saying they won't support trumpf as the nominee in SC is not a unified party. Trump is trying to sell the unified party is his biggest lie ever.
uh... HOW is the party not unified? ... ONE candidate has one
ALL the early primary contests. ... ONE...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
uh... HOW is the party not unified? ... ONE candidate has one
ALL the early primary contests. ... ONE...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Reread the posts. Many Republicans are not supporting trumpf. The party is not unified.
ICU 812's Avatar
Reread the posts. Many Republicans are not supporting trumpf. The party is not unified. Originally Posted by winn dixie

A lot of disunity going around in other parties too I believe.

Apparently, while no one really wants to vote for either of the cranky old white guys . . .again, neither do they really want the next-in-line, youngish female contenders.
eyecu2's Avatar
A lot of disunity going around in other parties too I believe.

Apparently, while no one really wants to vote for either of the cranky old white guys . . .again, neither do they really want the next-in-line, youngish female contenders. Originally Posted by ICU 812
  • I concur. a vote for "other" would be better.
  • Who at this point isn't damaged goods?
  • If you are a bipartisan Republican, you're a RINO!
  • If you are a Democrat- they are leftists and socialists!

At this point- is RFK the only Dem that the GOP could vote for?
Precious_b's Avatar
uh... HOW is the party not unified? ... ONE candidate has one
ALL the early primary contests. ... ONE...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Reread the posts. Many Republicans are not supporting trumpf. The party is not unified. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I wonder if he can read or if he pulls the worn out page from the repub handbook: be an ostrich and live in Da Nile.
... How is the Republican party not unified??

... One candidate is in the race... One.
And Leading nationally in the polls...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
The Republican party is completely fractured, all because of Trump.

And somewhat due to the Republicans have no other worthwhile candidate, despite trying to locate one for
4 years.

They can't even beat Biden.
Precious_b's Avatar
The Republican party is completely fractured, all because of Trump.

And somewhat due to the Republicans have no other worthwhile candidate, despite trying to locate one for
4 years.

They can't even beat Biden. Originally Posted by VitaMan
VM, when the sheeple call into question such, it baffles them since they are use to having a Dictator. Despots have no competition in their minds eye.
Republican Voters WANT Trump... And if you follow the National polls -
so does AMERICA! ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You should know by now you can create and phrase polls that give the outcome you want.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shitler saying the gop is unified is a total lie. Being that a third or more of the Republicans won't vote for him
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Republican Voters WANT Trump... And if you follow the National polls -
so does AMERICA! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So does that mean you accept my proposition?