Tom Coburn of Oklahoma revealed a budget plan that would cut $9 trillion over ten years


Just because you can't read ....Lie #1. .I said the Grover Norquist Tea Party. Lie #2. That faction is running the Tea Party, Lie #3. Originally Posted by WTF
He is not proposing to raise taxes and cut spending equally.

He is proposing raising 1 trillion in new taxes and 8 trillion in cuts.

Grover Norquist types can not even live with that.

They think any raising of taxes is wrong and will not support any proposal that includes that fact.

They actually think closing the corn subsidy as a tax increase.

Do you see how far right the Tea Party types are? Originally Posted by WTF

What I meant and didn't articulate well is that spending cuts need to be more or less equal across the board. We can't cut defense by 20% and medicade/are by 2%; that's illogical and it would never fly anyway. And I don't believe in just raising taxes on the rich. It needs to be a tax hike across the board - evenly. And a corporate tax structure that allows GE and almost 50% of the American population to pay no tax is bollocks. The truly poor needn't pay taxes, but the rest of us should - and the Earned Income Tax Credit..........Whew, welfare in the tax code?? That just needs to go.
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Oh look, Marshall stops getting the attention he craves, and Whirlaway shows up.

How convenient. Originally Posted by Doove
Very convenient.
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  • WTF
  • 07-19-2011, 05:30 PM

What I meant and didn't articulate well is that spending cuts need to be more or less equal across the board. We can't cut defense by 20% and medicade/are by 2%; that's illogical and it would never fly anyway. And I don't believe in just raising taxes on the rich. It needs to be a tax hike across the board - evenly. And a corporate tax structure that allows GE and almost 50% of the American population to pay no tax is bollocks. The truly poor needn't pay taxes, but the rest of us should - and the Earned Income Tax Credit..........Whew, welfare in the tax code?? That just needs to go. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

And my point to this whole thread is that Grover Norquist runs the Tea Party.

He has all these GOP candidates and incumbents sign this no new tax pledge.

The Tea Folks do not even understand the working of Congress.

Even with 8 trillion in proposed cuts and only I trillion in tax increases, Grover Norquist is having none of it and people that support the so called Tea Party do not even understand the workings of this man.

Congress is scared shitless of this piece of shit. You know why? Because he has the backing of the Tea Party.

Despite what Whirly and nevergivesitathought think.

This guy is not even for a 1 trillion dollar tax hike and 9 trillion in cuts to get us outta this mess.
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  • 07-19-2011, 05:32 PM
Very convenient. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Even if Whirly is Marshall, at least he is the nutered version.

Ignore Marshall.

And my point to this whole thread is that Grover Norquist runs the Tea Party. Lie #4

He has all these GOP candidates and incumbents sign this no new tax pledge. Lie #5

The Tea Folks do not even understand the working of Congress. Lie #6

Even with 8 trillion in proposed cuts and only I trillion in tax increases, Grover Norquist is having none of it and people that support the so called Tea Party do not even understand the workings of this man.

Congress is scared shitless of this piece of shit. Lie #7 You know why? Because he has the backing of the Tea Party. This might be Lie #8, depending on the def. of "backing".

Despite what Whirly and nevergivesitathought think.

This guy is not even for a 1 trillion dollar tax hike and 9 trillion in cuts to get us outta this mess. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 07-19-2011, 08:13 PM
----And my point to this whole thread is that Grover Norquist runs the Tea Party. Lie #4

He has all these GOP candidates and incumbents sign this no new tax pledge. Lie #5 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What part of ''Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators'' don't you understand?

Also all the GOP presidential canadiates have signed it except one of the two Mormons. Romeny has signed it, the other one hasn't.

the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Administered by the Washington-based Americans for Tax Reform and created by the organization's founder, Grover Norquist, the pledge binds its takers to oppose "any and all efforts" to increase marginal income tax rates and to protect tax deductions and credits. Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators
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  • 07-20-2011, 06:29 AM
so what wing are you talking about here? some neighbor who you know? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What part of ''Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators'' don't you understand?

Also all the GOP presidential canadiates have signed it except one of the two Mormons. Romeny has signed it, the other one hasn't.

the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Administered by the Washington-based Americans for Tax Reform and created by the organization's founder, Grover Norquist, the pledge binds its takers to oppose "any and all efforts" to increase marginal income tax rates and to protect tax deductions and credits. Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators
What part of ''Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators'' don't you understand?

Also all the GOP presidential canadiates have signed it except one of the two Mormons. Romeny has signed it, the other one hasn't.

the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Administered by the Washington-based Americans for Tax Reform and created by the organization's founder, Grover Norquist, the pledge binds its takers to oppose "any and all efforts" to increase marginal income tax rates and to protect tax deductions and credits. Two hundred thirty-three of the 240 House Republicans have signed it, as have 40 of the 47 Republican senators Originally Posted by WTF
look you said you said the Grover Norquist wing of the tea party, and said i couldnt read or something, but you didnt say the Grover Norquist anything you said THE tea party when i point that out, you post more junk

now you will post something that says, I never said wing, I said Faction, its like you bounce every which way

but the truth is, there is no Grover Norquist wing, faction, division, troop, battalion, or brigade of the Tea Party. he has certain ideas, has been a leader in trying to get washington straightened out for years, and there are people who happen to agree with him in some regard. to say anything else is dumb and its like just throwing meaningless things around as if some mysteriousness will adhere to these meaningless statements and create some sort of nebulous unease among the populace for purposes of creating mud not clear water in the situation we are in.
@ WTF:

Thanks for a very lame reply to Lie #4 and #5. Now what about Lie #1, #2, #3, #6, #7, and #8?

I am curous what your total Lie Count will be by the time this thread is dead.

Any takers for an over/under bet on WTF?
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  • WTF
  • 07-20-2011, 07:03 AM
look you said you said the Grover Norquist wing of the tea party, and said i couldnt read or something, but you didnt say the Grover Norquist anything you said THE tea party when i point that out, you post more junk

now you will post something that says, I never said wing, I said Faction, its like you bounce every which way

but the truth is, there is no Grover Norquist wing, faction, division, troop, battalion, or brigade of the Tea Party. he has certain ideas, has been a leader in trying to get washington straightened out for years, and there are people who happen to agree with him in some regard. to say anything else is dumb and its like just throwing meaningless things around as if some mysteriousness will adhere to these meaningless statements and create some sort of nebulous unease among the populace for purposes of creating mud not clear water in the situation we are in. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Did you read the opening post?

and Grover Norquist has already came out aganist it! Originally Posted by WTF

His idea permeates through the Tea Party. No tax increase! The GOP live in fear of this guy. They back themselves in a corner by signing his pledge. Why do you think it so hard to work a deal?

Norguist is the tail that wags the dog, whether you know it or not.
His idea permeates through the Tea Party. No tax increase! The GOP live in fear of this guy. Originally Posted by WTF

what the hell do you think conservatism is? to a large extent, its less government, its not bigger government. like minded people have the same ideas, oh wonder of wonders. there is no fear, you think people don't agree and only say they agree due to fear????? even you are better than that.
a few northeastern old rhinos may go along, but so what

Did you read the opening post? Why are you asking such a dumb ass question since you state we can't read, per Lie #1. You see WTF, this is the problem. You just post shit and forget all the lies you previously said. You're like Obama (and alot of other liars) in that respect.

His idea permeates through the Tea Party. Permeate and control are two completely different standards. You said Norquist controls/runs the Tea Party, but now you say his views just permeate (see Lie #4) !
Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you think it so hard to work a deal? Originally Posted by WTF
i think its hard to work a deal because taxes are not the problem, they only feed the problem and make the problem grow. one side wants the problem to grow and the other wants the problem not to grow.

this is a pitched battle between people who want to have power over others, who know more than you do, who want to acquire ever more power, who want to do away with federalism and have an ever expanding national government, want to re-make our nation, want dependent people and a nanny state and lower us to the least common denominator and those who wish to renew the American spirit, and the twain shall never meet.
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  • WTF
  • 07-20-2011, 07:41 AM
i think its hard to work a deal because taxes are not the problem, they only feed the problem and make the problem grow. one side wants the problem to grow and the other wants the problem not to grow. Lie

this is a pitched battle between people who want to have power over others, who know more than you do, who want to acquire ever more power, who want to do away with federalism and have an ever expanding national government, want to re-make our nation, want dependent people and a nanny state and lower us to the least common denominator and those who wish to renew the American spirit, and the twain shall never meet. the independents will make them meet,despite the twain. . The fringe will be stuck on the sidelines, this time it will be the Tea Party. The independdeents want a deal. The independents are who you need to watch. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Do you understand wtf this means? It means the GOP and in fact the Tea Pary is getting killed on this issue.

“The public feels like this is a real problem that needs a real solution,” Hart explains. “And they want compromise by both parties.”
But there’s one hurdle to this compromise: A majority of Republicans — and nearly two-thirds of Tea Party supporters — want GOP leaders to hold their ground.

Strong majorities of Democrats and independents prefer that Democratic congressional leaders make compromises in this budget debate, while almost 70 percent of independents want Republican leaders to do the same. And nearly six in 10 favor President Barack Obama’s proposal to lower the federal deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years by cutting federal spending, raising tax revenue from the wealthy and reducing some Medicare spending.