Keeping pics of providers, UTR's, etc in your laptop... is that a smart thing to do?

Ben There's Avatar
I mean I'm sittin' here on the Group W bench.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-02-2012, 12:16 AM
... in har-mo-ny.

<-- old. Where's my prize? Originally Posted by marek

Its comin' around again...just wait for it....
Actually, my prize was seeing his show at The Paramount (maybe late 80's?). Unfortunately, this bit wasn't included.

Also happened upon a Chuck Berry show there, once. Both were excellent shows.
texasfeet's Avatar
Reminds me of a skit I saw on the Man Show a bunch of years ago. Dude was registered with some company that "sanitizes" the house and car when you died. He croaked and they came out all professional like and cleared his house of porn, booze and drugs, clean his computer and dressed him in something respectable before the cops and his family found him. Very funny.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Providers, what do you think the information your PC's, cells, etc and being found out for being in the hobby?
I have made arrangements with two people to dispose of these things properly, and discreetly.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
This is my specialty.

There are two things you can do. You can encrypt the folder on your hard drive, however you need the correct version of Win 7 (assuming your using a PC).

or - better yet

You must also know that even if you delete the pics - they are still on your hard drive. Its like a finger print. You can't see it but its there. You would need a software program like DBAN to get rid of it.
Still Looking's Avatar
I may have some life changes coming up very shortly and have some pics(maybe 10) that I am going to delete for obvious reasons. I know there are plenty of hobbyists who have a plethora of pics. I have always wondered what would happen if I died and my PC was unlocked, etc how people would react to me being a john with pics of hookers, etc. Hell, the same would go for my cell.

Hobbbyists, what do you think? I know in the death scenario it wouldn't matter what is thought of us, we are dead but I think most wouldn't want our loved one finding out our secret.

Providers, what do you think the information your PC's, cells, etc and being found out for being in the hobby?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach