Low Volume

JoanJet's Avatar
I am low volume !! Hard for me to get away at times. I see 2-3 week outcall in the city. Then I do tour from time to time. Look for alot of volume when touring !
There was a time when I saw 1 or 2 Gents a month. This usually meant I was going on a trip with them, working trip or a vacation getaway. I spent a good deal of time with them (days or weeks). So much so there was no questions about my volume from the Gents. And yes, the gifts given were enough to justify the amount of time and attention I was giving.

Now days I am not so inclined to travel for personal reasons. I have other work and my daily life which limits how often I can meet on a personal level. If I could/can meet once a day during the week, I would love too. But again more often then not my schedule will not allow it. So If I am very lucky I will get to meet twice a week.

Interestingly enough both situations "could" be considered low volume or not depending on who or what you compare to.

Oddly enough, both situations have been somewhat "challenged" by other ladies.

Again, no arguments from the Gents who know my life and or the demanding schedule I keep. And really the Gents I see are ultimately the only opinions that matter.
I'm low volume when I'm home, which is most of the time and when I say low volume I mean 3 or 4 clients a week.

When I tour, I fully admit to being high volume unless I have a client who wishes for me to spend multiple hours with him.
shorty's Avatar
Naomi. . . How's that working out for you?? I'd hate to be your toy or SO if you've gone without for a little while!!LOL
shorty's Avatar
MsElena. . . I can expect the lady to be somewhat high volume when on tour. That's why I usually schedule multiple hr or dinner date for a touring lady. This way she can meet quote and hopefully only see me for the day/evening.
Naomi. . . How's that working out for you?? I'd hate to be your toy or SO if you've gone without for a little while!!LOL Originally Posted by shorty
Frankly Shortstuff, I don't think I would mind being either (her toy or her SO) at this point - especially if she has turned the volume way down!! Know what I mean??
shorty's Avatar
True Ed!! Just think of all the money she would on batteries!!LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yall make me laugh.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think most women who have outside interests such as a business, full time job, kids that they actually take care of etc are probably are low volume by necessity. Others can be mid range- 2 to 3/day at most or high. If you are full time provider without outside interests and only see one a day or less, what are you doing the rest of the day unless the sessions are all at least 3 to 4 hours or more.
If you are full time provider without outside interests and only see one a day or less, what are you doing the rest of the day unless the sessions are all at least 3 to 4 hours or more. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I found that funny!! ha ha funny... do I sound sarcastic? I sit around in my lingerie eating bonbons and chocolates watching soap operas on TV while my slave cleans the house and answers the 100's of time wasting emails, IM's, etc… If I wanted to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week I would go back into real estate…..
whitechocolate's Avatar
Sensual Red Head, eating chocolates is a good thing. The rest is bad for you. I think many providers work reasonable hours and space out clients in a reasonable way and still tend to other activities like kids, taking care of the house, various chores and various forms of pampering etc. I was asking a realistic question for providers who only see one client a day or less since I was curious as to why they dont see 2 and still do what they have to do. I guess it differs from provider to provider. I do know some providers do sit around and play on their computer or watch the lastest flicks which is fine also.
Abe Normal's Avatar
Low volume = when she doesn't moan too loud in ecstacy !
Redsan's Avatar
I knew a provider who called her self low volume and
would work only one week a month but she would see
6 to 10 a day during that week. I am sure their is others
like her.
Cpalmson's Avatar
There are so many different variables to consider in determining volume. Some include a ladies preference, donation rates, need for $$$, motivation for being a provider, etc. Also, I think it is obvious one will get a different definition from each individual. Personally as a client, I know it is not realistic of me to think that I am the only client a provider will have that day. On the other hand, I don't want to be the providers 5th sloppy seconds of the day (I'm not trying to be offensive). So for me volume is kind of an issue but not a priority. Also for me, my definition of volume strictly relates to a providers average number of daily clients. I really don't consider volume on a weekly basis whereas I'm sure some providers actually think weekly volume is important. Bottom line for me, low volume is a provider who sees only 1 or 2 clients a day. As an aside, I try to book mid morning appointments. I think it gives me a better chance of being a provider's first client of the day and if I do my job right, the ONLY client of the day
SlowHand49's Avatar
LOL Abe, I like a moaner and a screamer myself . . .