Lol, Old-T do you really expect us to believe what you post? You do realize the more you brag the more we all think "how sad?"
<massive BS snippage>
Have you noticed how many likes I get on my posts? Someone must agree with me, somewhere.
Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Funny. When I read Old T's posts, I don't think "how sad." I think "Yup, here's another guy whose life experiences match my own." This merely reinforces my world view.
I just went to look at the first 3 definitions:
1) a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2) a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
3) a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile:
Do you understand? It is possible be friends with someone via two or more of these definitions simultaneously.
I have several "professional" ladies whom I am affectionate towards and hold in high regard. I am also a "supporter" via the second definition.
If I interpret your meaning correctly, you would belive me a fool because the lady is not providing her company for free, and is faking the affection. While there is no ultimate test for fake affection, I have enough anecdotal evidence to believe it is real enough. (As does Old T, to his satisfaction) As to free....she IS giving me something that I need, emotionally. I have a symbiotic relationship with some of these ladies that can only be described as friendship. If you choose to define it as something else, fine, but in my opinion you and those who are liking your posts are the ones we should feel sorry for. Hating and mistrusting the world is a terrible way to go through life.
@ Old T...some advice from my ol' granpappy:
While we all have to wrestle with pigs at times, we gain nothing by it. Ultimately, both we and the pigs get dirty....but only the pig enjoys it.
Enjoy your posts. Thank you for contributing.