How long before the Dems push the panic button

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  • WTF
  • 10-07-2013, 07:09 AM
We are not talking about situations like that, my ignorant little friend. We are talking about a law that treats people differently. You think it is ok for the President and Congress to enact a law, but exempt certain groups, like themselves, from the law? I'll bet if we had a Republican president supporting that, you'd be pissed as hell. That is, if you were able to understand what was going on. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You do realize that teachers in 14 states do not pay into SS. Where is the outrage? Let us shutdown government again!
So you believe that the 14th should just go away and not be enforced?
So you think that the laws of the United States should not be applied equally among us all?
Typical libtard thinking; pass a law so that we can see what is in it and then decide who it will apply to and if it applies in a way we do not like then we will exempt who we choose from the law.

So when a libtard gets in front of a microphone and starts running at the mouth about not being treated equally we can laugh at them, call them out on it, and prove they are just trying to to keep the ignorant down.

Libtards: perpetuating class distinction for over a hindered years. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Whine whine whine want some cheese with that whine? Your comprehension skills are rusty. You wouldn't know a liberal unless they kicked you in your dumb ass.
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  • CJ7
  • 10-07-2013, 02:56 PM