An insult to woman everywhere

... No different then the trans fellow who is SHATTERING all
the university swimming records with NCAA's.

He "puts a wig on" and is NOW "a female" and will break most
of the girls swimming records --- onley the real girls will
now finish second place or third.

I DO have a question - so the trans-"girl" now SHATTERS all
the records - maybe Olympics and what-not - but then sometime
next year decides that really he still wants to be a man
and then switches-back.

Should he get to keep all the records - or will they cancel them out??

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Indeed Salty how would you like to be one of these real women trying to compete against some freak guy who declares he is a girl. Well here is one account:

Virginia Tech swimmer competing in this year’s NCAA championship details how her teammate was brought to tears after her place in the finals was taken by Lia Thomas:

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-17-2022, 06:43 PM
I really don't care how people identify, most of them are truly mentally ill, some aren't, I can understand how truly believing you are not what you are would be damaging to the psyche.

Now, its altogether another thing to allow them to participate in sports, or anywhere that their DNA gives them a clear advantage, I mean, number 250 ranked as a male, and destroying female records as the now female dude?

No, not fair, nor, should anyone support the destruction of what the real female swimmers have worked for their entire lives.

Acceptance is one thing, leaving reality behind you is another.
I think this became an epidemic when they stopped treating it as a mental condition and started trying to profit off it. So now everyone is forced to pretend that this is science although it is a delusion. Yes, gender norms don’t mean shit. Men can dress up as what society deems as a woman. Men can act as what society traditionally considered womanly… this isn’t normal to traditional society but that doesn’t make you a man or woman. How you dress or act is irrelevant to your gender. When they started pretending that when a man liked to act the way that society traditionally considered feminine, he actually is a female… that’s the problem. We should accept everyone, but not force everyone to accept a delusion. Especially when the driving force behind all of this is the big pharma companies who profit off a man being on estrogen everyday for the rest of his life because he likes to play dress up.
berryberry's Avatar
Libtards believe this is totally fair to women

... And WHY stop here? ... WHY don't they let BOYS play
on the girl's teams?

... Because they surely have a size and strength advantage.
That's why.

And yet, THIS swimming thing is the SAME issue.

This trans-"girl" swimmer is trying to use the woman's competition
as a stepping-stone to endorsement wealth and fame.
While stepping on the backs of the true female athletes.

The sad part is - people are too afraid to speak out against this.

### Salty
I actually feel sorry for the swimmer Thomas. They obviously are struggling mentally. I do find it odd that they’re so aggressive to compete against the gender they feel internally. Since he is going through this and genuinely feels like a woman, why is competing against them their top priority? “Lia” Thomas won last night. That sucks for who he competed against. I feel sorry for him and everyone else involved. The worst part to me is that this is being encouraged. ESPN is applauding it, the school is accepting it, I’m sure social media is commending him on his bravery… the dude definitely is brave for going through this but the women who are competing against him deserve more credit.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-18-2022, 12:16 PM
Unfortunately, what his....err her teamates should do, is walk out en masse, and leave it alone to compete.

And, so should any of the female swimmers who are competing against them.

What that would do, is make a farce of the meets, and destroy any chance of them earning any money from TV revenue, and that hurts the stations carrying it, and, the universities who get income from them.

Money, make it cost money, and, then the people in charge would get it.
berryberry's Avatar
Unfortunately, what his....err her teamates should do, is walk out en masse, and leave it alone to compete.

And, so should any of the female swimmers who are competing against them.

What that would do, is make a farce of the meets, and destroy any chance of them earning any money from TV revenue, and that hurts the stations carrying it, and, the universities who get income from them.

Money, make it cost money, and, then the people in charge would get it. Originally Posted by Devo

Exactly Devo. Every woman should refuse to compete against this guy . Just step away and make a mockery of the meet

They all have been warned not to by their woke universities but fuck that shit. Take a stand

Watch the video of him getting out of the pool and everyone ignoring him but the other girls celebrating each other together. It’s sad. Shame on ncaa and penn for allowing this to happen.
berryberry's Avatar
Even Bruce, I mean, Kylie Jenner came out against this!
HDGristle's Avatar
Kylie is the daughter. Assuming that word means anything anymore in a gender fluid society
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