References, Lying and Fees?

I agree with John, and applaud the staff at ECCIE for building a site for, as Elena said, the Hobby business. All Ladies are different, and will be different for each client. I can not understand how a Lady feels opening her door to a stranger with out more then 1 or 2 phone conversations. I always like to email back and forth some, but understand this takes time for the provider.
Happy New Year to all.
Go Huskers
snowbeard's Avatar
If anything, I tend to plan too far in advance. If I know I am going to be in colorado Springs in two weeks, I start investigating now and contact with a "possible" connection, so ask if the lady is planning to be in town at that time. Then about a week ahead, I try to set a certain time, but make it tentative, with confirmation at least two days ahead of the scheduled time. I also confirm the day before. I usually do all this via email. I often wonder if I irritate some ladies by acting so early, but I do also try to be open about things. Many times I will add some information about me (where I have posted reviews, forums I participate in) and the second contact where I ask for a specific time, I include the names and numbers of references so the lady can check.
Moat of the ladies seem OK with this procedure, but there are some who don't respond to the first contact, so I let it go.
For those of us who do not partake in the hobby on a regular basis it is hard to set up references. If you only see someone once or twice she may not remember you. That is why I usually don't see providers that require references. I know it takes a lot of women off the table, but I guess that's the price you pay... so to speak.

There's ways of getting around that. You just have to find the right lady who will work with you a little and screen you in a different manner.
burkalini's Avatar
About 2 yrs after I divorced I called a couple of providers and they asked for references. I was honest and told them my circumstance. I think some kind of go on their instinct because they both saw me. After that I had some references and never had any issue at all. Just tell them the truth. I can't guarantee anything but it worked for me