I'm very proud of The Mayor and Judge Hildago For Forcing Us To Wear Masks

Russ38's Avatar

SC, my thought is it can't hurt and may save lives, so i agree. it used to be that you can't be forced to wear a seatbelt but times have changed. this isn't the gestapo trying to fuck people over or do pointless shit, but a measure that may well help to get us over the pandemic and return to a business as usual without killing people. Originally Posted by pxmcc
It’s an unenforceable ploy to generate revenue. Nothing more.....just typical libs looking for a handout.....
LexusLover's Avatar
sc...you can wear a mask all you want. Originally Posted by tbone2u
There were days when he couldn't into a lot of establishments!

Now he can say he has no choice! ....
LexusLover's Avatar
It’s an unenforceable ploy to generate revenue. Nothing more.....just typical libs looking for a handout..... Originally Posted by Russ38
Every time you see someone walking out of the grocery store with a mask and gloves on ..... watch them carefully to see what they do about sanitizing their SHOES IN WHICH THEY GET INTO THE CAR, DRIVE HOME, AND WALK INTO THE HOUSE.

With mask and gloves ... they are pissing in a hurricane.
You are correct LL....but sheep don't understand those kinds of things
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
russ, ll, and tb2 make sure yall fill this out and carry with you in case you get sick. Thank you sirs. Pass along to anyone that thinks like you. Please we dont want yall being a burden on our healthcare workers. Thanks

boardman's Avatar
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Ya gotta love a victim that does what it’s told.....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Every time you see someone walking out of the grocery store with a mask and gloves on ..... watch them carefully to see what they do about sanitizing their SHOES IN WHICH THEY GET INTO THE CAR, DRIVE HOME, AND WALK INTO THE HOUSE.

With mask and gloves ... they are pissing in a hurricane. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Correct. It's by the same people yelling "Let the SCIENCE drive the policy" and "Let it be DATA DRIVEN!" Last time I heard, the virus isn't airborn and the data is not "fleshed out."
I would guess sc is used to being a sheep, not sure about his other handles.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-24-2020, 04:17 PM
umm, i'm not directing this comment to anyone in particular, but it is relevant to the judge's order that the coronavirus is spread by respiratory droplets. those are things you breathe in, in case you didn't get the memo..
It's an air sandwich. No meat to this edict. The county directive has less teeth than "slower traffic keep right". There will be no enforcement other than a few high profile, well publicized, possibly staged incidents, and high risk behavior (like unprotected sex during aids flare-up) will continue. Drop in on 5th ward and see how COVID has dramatically altered human behavior there.

I personally see eminent domain/public welfare as the justification for restoring the norm, not perpetuating chaos. By comparison, this governmental overreach would have been more justifiable as a means to reduce traffic deaths (standardized metrics, reliable data, far more innocent victims across all age ranges).

I see the whole show as an overreaction because communities and nations are predominantly run by those who are at highest risk for COVID-19. They are elder frequent flyers with health issues who have interests in Asia and spend most of their time in major urban centers around the world.

Native Americans left the dying behind because their social structure couldn't bear the weight of caregiving. Eminent domain. Immoral? Unjust? Cruel? They didn't think so. Here in the heartland of people's rights we've justified loss of life for business interest via war for decades.
:nopit y:
Russ38's Avatar
Every time you see someone walking out of the grocery store with a mask and gloves on ..... watch them carefully to see what they do about sanitizing their SHOES IN WHICH THEY GET INTO THE CAR, DRIVE HOME, AND WALK INTO THE HOUSE.

With mask and gloves ... they are pissing in a hurricane. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Very true LL.....seen a woman come out of a grocery store the other day take her gloves off and shove them back in her purse....smh
LexusLover's Avatar
Very true LL.....seen a woman come out of a grocery store the other day take her gloves off and shove them back in her purse....smh Originally Posted by Russ38
Makes me wonder what they do after they step in dog shit.