So, Chris Mathews, where the fuck have you been for the past year?

bambino's Avatar
Obama will have his image sculpted on Mt Rushmore one day. They will chisel his eyes shut.
Maybe the Clintons have sent out memos to all of the major news outlets, telling them that sooner or later, Hillary's political foes, Biden, Cuomo, etc, will come out with both barrels blazing. Better to get it all out in the open now so the typical moron Democrat primary voter will forget by mid 2015.

I'm not buying the shit that 60 minutes suddenly saw the light, and recognized the Obama Administration for what it is. They are still one of the ass kissing, boot licking media arms of the Democrat National Committee, just like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Putin 2016!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This isn't going to go away. This was a massive fuck up and cover up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe the Clintons have sent out memos to all of the major news outlets, telling them that sooner or later, Hillary's political foes, Biden, Cuomo, etc, will come out with both barrels blazing. Better to get it all out in the open now so the typical moron Democrat primary voter will forget by mid 2015.

I'm not buying the shit that 60 minutes suddenly saw the light, and recognized the Obama Administration for what it is. They are still one of the ass kissing, boot licking media arms of the Democrat National Committee, just like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Google the following Hildabeast quote, and you'll see that Soros' Mediamatters is busy trying to scrub Hildabeast's Benghazi image.

"We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that, because it is senseless and totally unacceptable." Hildabeast, Sep 14, 2012.
I guess the "thrill up his leg" is gone Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
The thrill is going down his leg now.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I am sure you commies would love for it to go away, but it wont. Actually, Hitler-breath, it has - you just don't know it.

I am also sure that it will not matter to you anyway because it wasn't Bush's fault. No, it wasn't because Cheney was pulling the strings. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This is the first time a major boot licking liberal media entity has decided to do a news piece on it.

Even the most ardent Obama supporter must see some significance in that.

It does't make much difference whether a few Fucktards on a SHMB sees no foul in the entire Bengahzi affair. The rest of the word is starting to. Actually, the alleged "lamestream media" waited until all of the initial bullshit uproar died down.

But then again, " what does it matter" It does, but not like you think. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This isn't going to go away. This was a massive fuck up and cover up. Yep, it's a shame that Scotty couldn't have beamed over a couple of hundred troops, numb nuts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Boy howdy! What surgical, laser-like insights from these clowns. We need Mopboy in on this to inject some clarity.