Will the Chief Justice wear the gold stripes?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Rehnquist wore those 4 stripes (8 stripes really) because he was the chief justice and it was his statement that he was in charge of the court.

too bad Roberts didn't pick up that idea and start a new tradition for chief justice.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 10:16 AM
the impeachment trial, to be a complete airing and cleansing, needs to be about everything that's happened in the Obama/hellary years and the first three years of trump

all the Benghazi lies, the use of the instruments of government to harm your political enemies, the personal enrichment of these liars, the lies of the Russia hoax, the impeach 45 idiocies, the complete expose of it all is needed to be able to recover

congress and its organization, allowing $170,000 a year servants to become multimillionaires in a few years with exclusions from insider trading and special deals and every other silent sales of office that occur

the seeds of discontent will only continue to germinate without a complete deep hoeing

even the news media needs to be humbled and shamed with an examination of its special place in the constitution and its abject failure to live up to the reasons it was so honored Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Amen, NGIT
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Roberts needs to wear a MAGA hat. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Rehnquist wore those 4 stripes (8 stripes really) because he was the chief justice and it was his statement that he was in charge of the court.

too bad Roberts didn't pick up that idea and start a new tradition for chief justice. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The prez should wear a Patriots hat.

The ultimate cheaters.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 01:48 PM
Stripes - the SC justices know who is the Chief Justice.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a better question is will Roberts force the Democratic Senators still running for President to recuse themselves? Warren and Sanders have already said more than enough to show clear bias. Warren flat out said she'd vote to impeach before the inquiry even began. did Schiff show her his Russian collusion evidence he's been screaming about for 3 years? bahhaaa

notice that Russian collusion hasn't even been mentioned in this inquiry. Mueller fumbled that Hail Mary. are they going to tie firing Dirty Jimbo Conehead to obstruction? that dog won't hunt.

i see no reason why Roberts can't force the recusal of the Senators running against Trump to sit out the trial. it's never happened before but it doesn't mean Roberts can't do so.

  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 01:58 PM
An interesting thought - forcing recusal of DPST candidates who are sitting Senators for the Impeachment trial - Bet pelosi did not think of that problem - among many other consequences of her actions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I doubt the recusal would be forced.

its a political show trial involving 100 senators.

closest thing to bias is over a hundred years ago in andrew johnson's impeachment case. you had 34 radical republicans fit to be tied when johnson tried to fire that war dept. secretary by ignoring the the unconstitutional office tenure act. they wanted to impeach him over it.

the 34 certainly qualified for recusal.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
a better question is will Roberts force the Democratic Senators still running for President to recuse themselves? Warren and Sanders have already said more than enough to show clear bias. Warren flat out said she'd vote to impeach before the inquiry even began. did Schiff show her his Russian collusion evidence he's been screaming about for 3 years? bahhaaa

notice that Russian collusion hasn't even been mentioned in this inquiry. Mueller fumbled that Hail Mary. are they going to tie firing Dirty Jimbo Conehead to obstruction? that dog won't hunt.

i see no reason why Roberts can't force the recusal of the Senators running against Trump to sit out the trial. it's never happened before but it doesn't mean Roberts can't do so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I understand you have to laugh to keep from crying. Get over it. Nobody's sitting this one out. He'll still be acquitted. Cheer up. The stain will mark his only term.

The prez should wear a Patriots hat. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I agree.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Its turned into a bad sitcom ,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 07:52 AM
The prez should wear a Patriots hat.

The ultimate cheaters.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Thank you - 9500- another post dictated by the mullahs in Iran - Your source for authoritative information on the POTUS!
The mullahs are laughing at their dupe just like jack.
HoeHummer's Avatar
And their Saudi cousins are shooting up your Naval bases in your own country. Are yous laughing about that, oebsy?
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 09:45 AM
Those taking joy from radical islamic terrorism should go live under ISIS or Iran and enjoy the fruits of your very disturbed advocation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Because the Feds allow foreigners to buy guns ( navy shooting Saudi) We wouldn't want the feds to interfere with Open borders inc ,or anyone to be outraged ,
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we allow foreigners to buy guns here?