Which is why woman who see him lose a ton of potential customers as numerous other guys have reported they stay away from seeing providers who have seen Titsfuck Originally Posted by berryberry
Why? Just because they see him doesn't mean that they approve of his actions or him.
I've has very candid conversations with eight providers. Their situations range from demanding respect for themselves to total desperation. They were all pretty much in the - do calls in the day and wake up needing cigarette money camp. Most could be sized up in 30 seconds by an experienced guy. From what I can tell tatasddd's to his credit tries to stay away from those types. I might be wrong but I'm trying to be fair.
But too my point they all need money - it's very addicting. They don't want to be us, they aren't impressed by our cock, how much we cum or if we're good looking. In fact they tend to like older and not so good looking because that type at least tried to show them some respect.
Is this true for all escorts? I hope not. But I wouldn't judge or not see anyone based on who they see.