Biden’s Latest Brain Dead Moment.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
All I will say for the millionth time is I believe in ageism for a reason. This country needs to stop electing old ass presidents like Biden and Trump. Neither are fit to run this great country. In my opinion, they're both a complete disgrace and one, (the orange and fat one) is just worse than the other because Biden actually seems to listen to people in the know.

They're both about 20 years too late IMO as far as brain function for that incredibly demanding job... name me a Fortunee 100 Company that hires a 70 plus year old CEO to run it; yet we still elect/hire 70 plus year old men to a position that is much more difficult. That makes no sense.

By the way, no offense to those reading this who are 70 plus. That was not my intent with my aforementioned comments.
I agree on the age thing.
I will be 76 pretty soon, and while I am in reasonably good shape, I would never make it in a job as demanding as POTUS.

I disagree on your analogy of Biden. He might listen, but look at who he is listening to.

Besides, Biden is a corrupt piece of shit. He always has been. Until he became POTUS, we just didn’t know how corrupt he is.
HedonistForever's Avatar
All I will say for the millionth time is I believe in ageism for a reason. This country needs to stop electing old ass presidents like Biden and Trump. Neither are fit to run this great country. In my opinion, they're both a complete disgrace and one, (the orange and fat one) is just worse than the other because Biden actually seems to listen to people in the know.

They're both about 20 years too late IMO as far as brain function for that incredibly demanding job... name me a Fortunee 100 Company that hires a 70 plus year old CEO to run it; yet we still elect/hire 70 plus year old men to a position that is much more difficult. That makes no sense.

By the way, no offense to those reading this who are 70 plus. That was not my intent with my aforementioned comments. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I guess you missed the whole Afghanistan withdrawal debacle when Biden decided on his own to not take the advice of his Generals or his allies.

It looks to me like Biden listening to his far left advisers on policy, are about to lose the House and Senate. Sometimes people "in the know" don't know jack shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wrong Counselor. Biden was trying to equate Giselle Fetterman to First lady Jill Biden. Implying she would be a great support system for her husband who he thanked for running. They don't call the wife of a Senator first lady. The talking heads of Fox just tried to blow it up. When Biden addressed Vice President Harris as President Harris, that's a problem but not as bad as the Trumps "Like a Miracle Sars_CoV2 corona virus will just dissapear" Originally Posted by adav8s28

the very fact you and others have to defend and rationalize Biden's bizarre comments should concern you. does it?
adav8s28's Avatar
the very fact you and others have to defend and rationalize Biden's bizarre comments should concern you. does it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Biden did an interview with Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes about a month ago, he sounded fine. No bizarre comments there. When Biden goes off script he get's himself into trouble sometimes. Trump got himself into trouble a lot times with his bizarre comments. I am not talking about the one with Billy Bush of Access Hollywood.

1. Mint Flavored Tic Tacs
2. DFK without an invitation
3. Just grab them by the Pu**y.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess you missed the whole Afghanistan withdrawal debacle when Biden decided on his own to not take the advice of his Generals or his allies.

It looks to me like Biden listening to his far left advisers on policy, are about to lose the House and Senate. Sometimes people "in the know" don't know jack shit. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
And Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the presidency. Yes, Biden erred on Afghanistan and has made other errors while in office. Every POTUS has. That is why Trump is no longer in office.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Covid and mail in voting is why Trump is not in office.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Like a Miracle Sars_CoV2 corona virus will just dissapear.
And he was right.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the presidency. Yes, Biden erred on Afghanistan and has made other errors while in office. Every POTUS has. That is why Trump is no longer in office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Yes, Trump made some errors, said some stupid things. As you correctly say, every POTUS has but how many Presidents had the opposing party lie about him, attack him from day one, with the MSM, Big Tech., FBI, DOJ, all complicit in the conspiracy to bring down a President?

Trump lost the "questionable" election but as you can see, his policies, Conservative policies, have not gone away and it is his Conservative polices as opposed to what Hillary and this new Democrat party was offering, that caused me to vote for him. As I've pointed out before on Biden's so called approval rating. Break down each of the topics I mentioned above and Biden is in the 30's and Republican win in every single one of the top 3 category's of economy, crime and border ( and others )

Make no mistake, I for one do not want to see Trump run again but I do want to see Conservative polices on the border, on crime, on the economy, in our military and on educating our children not indoctrinating and "grooming" them.

Right now, it appears that Democrat policies are being widely rejected and Trump has nothing to do with that.
Covid and mail in voting is why Trump is not in office. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Covid and FRAUDULENT mail in voting.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Covid and FRAUDULENT mail in voting. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Any proof at all of fraudulent mail-in voting. We are almost 2 years since the elections and there is no proof at all thaat voter fraud in any way affected the outcome of the election.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, Trump made some errors, said some stupid things. As you correctly say, every POTUS has but how many Presidents had the opposing party lie about him, attack him from day one, with the MSM, Big Tech., FBI, DOJ, all complicit in the conspiracy to bring down a President?

Trump lost the "questionable" election but as you can see, his policies, Conservative policies, have not gone away and it is his Conservative polices as opposed to what Hillary and this new Democrat party was offering, that caused me to vote for him. As I've pointed out before on Biden's so called approval rating. Break down each of the topics I mentioned above and Biden is in the 30's and Republican win in every single one of the top 3 category's of economy, crime and border ( and others )

Make no mistake, I for one do not want to see Trump run again but I do want to see Conservative polices on the border, on crime, on the economy, in our military and on educating our children not indoctrinating and "grooming" them.

Right now, it appears that Democrat policies are being widely rejected and Trump has nothing to do with that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Biden may be in the 30s on specific issues but Trump is in the 30s overall, which is what counts in the end.

I'm not going to argue with you on which policies, Trump's or Biden's, are best for the country. I support many of the things Biden has done since being elected and do not support others. I look at the "accomplishments" of Trump in 4 years and find them to be minimal. The only legislative victory he had that I can remember was the Tax Reduction Act of 2017.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden may be in the 30s on specific issues but Trump is in the 30s overall, which is what counts in the end.

I'm not going to argue with you on which policies, Trump's or Biden's, are best for the country. I support many of the things Biden has done since being elected and do not support others. I look at the "accomplishments" of Trump in 4 years and find them to be minimal. The only legislative victory he had that I can remember was the Tax Reduction Act of 2017. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

That's to bad because I think that is the point of debate. From what I can tell, from what you wrote, my perception of course, is that there are more things about Biden that you disagree with than agree with but I do understand the whole concept of voting against the other party and their policies.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's to bad because I think that is the point of debate. From what I can tell, from what you wrote, my perception of course, is that there are more things about Biden that you disagree with than agree with but I do understand the whole concept of voting against the other party and their policies. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I agree with more of Biden's policies than I disagree with. I supported the withdrawal from Afhanistan but was unhappy with how it was implemented. Would it have been different under Trump? No way to know. The only Biden policy I disagree with is regarding our border problenms I support other immigration decisions made by Biden but the I can understand voters being unhappy with conditions at the border.

I voted against Trump in 2016 based almost solely on his character. I voted against Trump in 2020 for that reason and also his ineffectiveness as POTUS.