Fuck the lame-stream media's fake outrage over Khashoggi. Where's the lame-stream media's concern for Wolkowitz?

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  • 10-21-2018, 02:13 PM
because there is no difference between an essential random murder of an ordinary citizen in the u.s. for which someone has been charged, and the killing of a u.s. resident by a foreign government, supposedly an ally, and which the u.s. president himself is attempting to cover up? Originally Posted by courtesyphone
Worth repeating...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Worth repeating:

Both journalists were targeted because of who they were. The murders weren't random. It's true that neither murder had anything to do with the fact that they were journalist (a fact ignored by the talking-heads in the lame stream media), but what is also true is that each was targeted as being members of groups their killers disliked. One was a white man killed by a racist black man, and the other was a militant Islamic propagandist hated by those who were more moderate.

Another factoid the screaming hypocrites from the left wish to ignore is that only one of the two was actually an American citizen -- making the murder a domestic American concern. Meanwhile, the other murdered victim was a Saudi citizen, and the murder occurred on foreign soil making the murder a decidedly non-American concern.
LexusLover's Avatar
do you even read the stuff you link? Originally Posted by courtesyphone
Yes. I read the headline. I also heard what he said while watching him saying it. I prefer actually seeing the person's lips move in sync with the words, rather than some clown making up shit and pretending it's real. Now, what else would you like to muse about?
Khashoggi = Just another dead jihadi.

https://www.dcclothesline.com/2018/1...mal-khashoggi/ Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Where's the fucking trial? Did Trump's DHS ever make any moves to revoke Khashoggi's permanent resident status? The answer is a resounding "No." So either they don't give a fuck about your malicious speculations or they actually haven't got a thing on him. You are just as cowardly as those fuckers who could only chop up a hapless man in the darkness of their "domain." Fuck 'em!
LexusLover's Avatar
Worth repeating:

Both journalists were targeted because of who they were. The murders weren't random. It's true that neither murder had anything to do with the fact that they were journalist (a fact ignored by the talking-heads in the lame stream media), but what is also true is that each was targeted as being members of groups their killers disliked. ....and the other was a militant Islamic propagandist hated by those who were more moderate.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The "propagandist" spread (or published) his point of view much the same as the "propagandists" in this country using their respective employment as "journalists" (using that term loosely). So he was killed because he was a "journalist" who spread shit the opposition didn't like .... which sounds much like some of the gooks in the U.S. calling for Trump's death, bragging about blowing up the WH, and hold up a fake Trump head.

Now "we" have Maxine, Hillary, and Pelosi advocating violence.

Not "journalists," but the "journalists" are spreading their shit!
LexusLover's Avatar
Did Trump's DHS ever make any moves to revoke Khashoggi's permanent resident status? Originally Posted by andymarksman
On what legal basis could the Government "revoke" his "permanent resident status"? I'll repeat for emphasis: "LEGAL BASIS"!
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  • 10-21-2018, 03:16 PM
[It's true that neither murder had anything to do with the fact that they were a journalist ][/SIZE] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
actually one was targeted exactly because he was a journalist you have your facts wrong

You Trump lovers could spin Jesus's death into a random drive-by...
On what legal basis could the Government "revoke" his "permanent resident status"? I'll repeat for emphasis: "LEGAL BASIS"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good. Now please tell me what's the "legal basis" for a "jihadi" to even legally reside in the U.S.?
I B Hankering's Avatar
actually one was targeted exactly because he was a journalist you have your facts wrong

You Trump lovers could spin Jesus's death into a random drive-by...
Originally Posted by WTF
Khashoggi was a foreign-born, non-American, militant Islamic propagandist and political agitator who was killed by foreigners in a foreign country, despite what WaPo might say about him.
The death of anyone diminishes us all

And while such a murder reveals the naked meaness of the Saudis, its to be understood they are merely a people living among like peoples all having already been diminished and lessened by the region’s common culture and beliefs

There are no friends in the Middle East, only chess pieces moving and to be moved in some awful game
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  • 10-21-2018, 04:11 PM
Khashoggi was a foreign-born, non-American, militant Islamic propagandist and political agitator who was killed by foreigners in a foreign country, despite what WaPo might say about him. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You said he was not targeted because he was a journalist , that was/is not true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You said he was not targeted because he was a journalist , that was/is not true. Originally Posted by WTF
I said Khashoggi wasn't a *journalist* just because WaPo calls him a *journalist*. Khashoggi was a foreign-born, non-American, militant Islamic propagandist and political agitator who was killed by foreigners in a foreign country.
You said he was not targeted because he was a journalist , that was/is not true. Originally Posted by WTF
He wasn’t targeted because he was a “journalist”

Whatever a journalist is

He was targeted because he was a Muslim brotherhood anti-Saudi member

He was a “journalist” at the wapo largely due to his Muslim brotherhood status bringing liberal desired “ insight and diversity and the type of voice” the wapo favors
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  • 10-21-2018, 04:40 PM

He was a “journalist” at the wapo largely due to his Muslim brotherhood status bringing liberal desired “ insight and diversity and the type of voice” the wapo favors Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That is exactly why the fuck he was targeted.

You think the Saudis want bad publicity in Washington DC?

He was targeted because he was a journalist for a prominent American paper.

Damn, this isn't rocket science.
That is exactly why the fuck he was targeted.

You think the Saudis want bad publicity in Washington DC?

He was targeted because he was a journalist for a prominent American paper.

Damn, this isn't rocket science. Originally Posted by WTF
You have employed once again fallacious reasoning