ECCIE Price Or BP Price!!?

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
She said "Well, if you get the BP price, the level of service isn't the same..Those guys are wham-bam-thank-you-mam". When someone from ECCIE/E**s/P411 etc calls, they are interested in a fantasy and a GFE/PSE experience. I dress up and make myself up and you guys are more willing to make sure that I have an O...The guys from BP could give a shit!"

So my level of service is going to suck for the BP Price. I didn't know?? Is this true ladies? Originally Posted by DarthMaul

Well..... I am not sure about all THAT...... but I'll put it this way..... if you are advertising on separate avenues, usually means you are trying to widen your clientele base...... if you are different for your BP clients and your EccieTER whatever clients, then it should be CLEARLY stated.... otherwise as a well informed consumer, why would I pay more for the same thing when I have found an ad/sale for a less expensive price?

Other than that.... it simply becomes a matter of ..... Some people like to pay $100 for it.... some people like to pay $200 for it! And for that I have no problem with it..... but don't get mad when I screen thru EccieTER and pay the $100...... I'm just saying....

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I treat everyone the same.. well not exactly the same..
It doesn't matter to me what the guy is looking for
- it's about what I know I can do for him.. whether he
wants a wham bam thing doesn't mean he'll get only that.
I might work him out a bit or do.. anything. To me, it matters not.
I HAVE FUN, therefore, you have fun so I charge what I want wherever.

Different rates everywhere - not everyone is on the same board. I mean, majority of you use BP anyway right? & you only use this site to find out about more BP girls & write reviews about your time spent with them.. right?

As for one here & another there.. I'm doing that right now.
It's all about you - you choose to pay - we choose to play.

Just my 2 cents.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-26-2010, 04:19 PM
I think the different rates are bull shit. Why is the cheaper rate the BP rate. We are the ones you have an easy time screening, can't screen random BP guys can you. You would think the deals go to the easy screen but the rate goes up with the ease to screen price is higher on p411. I will search and go for the lesser charge, I see no value added in higher price.
Some gals have historically advertised on BP with cheaper prices and lesser service. This is a not a new practice.

If you come across this, you should do what the poster did and ask.

I have also seen providers that use Eccie for their bread and butter, but advertise elsewhere at higher rates, especially outside of Texas.

If I have a product, there is nothing wrong with me selling it at different prices at different venues. Some markets garner more money. You ever buy a pickup truck up north?
seanes's Avatar
Let me get this straight:
If I do my best to make sure that the provider enjoys herself, she is going to charge me MORE for it?
No thanks. Originally Posted by tikkler33
What makes it no repeat for me, is when "I do my best to make sure that the provider enjoys herself" and she does; then her body language becomes are you still here? Very disappointing.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Dont you all use the same tools to find these women?
If you dont like the price on ECCIE - look on BP.

Prices range because clientele ranges.. most of the time.. the guys who call from my BP ad are on ECCIE & I don't give them a hard time. Sometimes, I post my ad here.. see I'm not getting any bites - so I go to BP & lower them, bc I know you'll look there & see my ad, before you get on here & it's on page 2.

It's up to you to say where you found me.. I know the rates I have everywhere. It's not to trick you.. business is business. Do all the Walmarts have the same merchandise for all the same prices? No.. it's just how business is. - again, this is my opinion. I'm not trying to get slaughtered.. just want to provide a different view.
Judging from the lack of response from the must be true. I agree with Trey thsi is BS. Advertise is one thing....but the service "should" remain of same quality and characteristics. sounds like those who do this are playing games....if u provide lessor service, state so. But don't expect me to pay for pse/gfe service for wham-bam-thank-u-maam.

I think the different rates are bull shit. Why is the cheaper rate the BP rate. We are the ones you have an easy time screening, can't screen random BP guys can you. You would think the deals go to the easy screen but the rate goes up with the ease to screen price is higher on p411. I will search and go for the lesser charge, I see no value added in higher price. Originally Posted by trey
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Judging from the lack of response from the must be true. I agree with Trey thsi is BS. Advertise is one thing....but the service "should" remain of same quality and characteristics. sounds like those who do this are playing games....if u provide lessor service, state so. But don't expect me to pay for pse/gfe service for wham-bam-thank-u-maam. Originally Posted by windowshopper

I MUST SAY THOUGH, that.. even when you go to a different Walmart you still get the same TV - even if you paid a different price. I'd agree that to change your service level because of the discount youre running or special of the day or.. just bc its a TER or BP guy - is a bit slack. But if that's the way she does her business. *shrug*

We're not all like that. At least.. I'm not. I wanna go balls out every time - screw whats on the table... 'cause I should be screwing you.
Killersalt's Avatar
I feel ripped off if someone gets the same thing for the same price about the same time. I think it's a better practice to keep prices the same, if the ads are all running at the same time.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I like Diana's way of doing things. Just say which ad you're referring to when booking and that should be fair.

When a provider offers different price ranges on different sites in Houston, I would hope that she wouldn't have a problem with me taking her up on the offer for a lesser rate if I said I found that particular ad. Even if I have seen her before.
consider that many guys on BP may not know about places like eccie and perhaps even some eccie guys either simply refuse to search BP..or don't feel they should have to "check bp for cheaper rates"..

frankly it is scheming if you have 5 ads with 5 different prices.. your hoping #1 that the guy is from the more expensive rate..

#2. we wonder why there is so much confusion and women bitching for being short changed? perhaps the guy thought he was there based on an ad with a cheaper price and the provider assumed the guy was there based on an eccie price..

And incorrect.. a guy should simply have to say "i saw your ad"..guys shouldn't have to jump thru freaking hoops to pay for some pussy.. guys ays "i saw your ad".. girl replies "which ad would that be".. if she has so many different rates.. girls put way to much responsibility in the guys court and i know more than a few reasons why.. it gives girls a freakin way excuse..when something doesn't go their way..they can point the finger at the guy..and how he set the date up..etc etc etc..

its simply wrong.. 1 price.. 1 price for the business you run.. have different level of services if you want..thats a quick lube (insert joke).. but consistency should be obvious in the business of selling yourself.. and if one offers specials..its specials in every avenue they advertise in.. 1/2 hr price, 1hr price, 2 hr price, 90min price, bj only price, whatever it is.. but women wonder why so much shit goes wrong and a guy walks in sometimes not really knowing whats going on..its because they wanna be 3 different people on 5 different boards with 7 different simply doesn't make good business sense..but then again..what do i know..

And of course.. guys.. what else would you expect any of us to say that would respond to this.. no girl is gonna admit to being that way and the ones that respond are gonna say "i go all out" would be career suicide to say anything else..

facts are facts.. girls know deep down their is a different clientele on eccie/old aspd.. its not that hard to figure out.. therefore they wanna try to maximize their ability to attract clients by catering to the typical client of the board they are advertising on..thus varying rates.. yet they will bitch when they attract the unwanted clients..or get short changed..

facts are this.. if i was a guy and booked a girl and I'm on eccie.. i say hey i saw your an eccie member handle is so and so..screening info is this.. i wanna see you tomorrow at 8am..

if between today and tomorrow i happen just to out of curiousity search bp or cl or whatever..and I see you with a cheaper rate... guess what i'm paying when i show up.. no questions bitching from you (the provider).. because i'll be damned if I pay more just because i am from a certain site..

by god if you think your pussy is worth 250 on eccie and 175 on bp..then i'm paying 175.. i'll be damned if you would play me for a fool..and its a great disservice to be allowed as a provider to play that sorta game and then bitch and post alerts and try to black list clients..