so not to bust anyones bubble here....

first of all this really isnt an alert..and eccie will not change how things are set up here..
and also..the police have been doing this for generations..this isnt a new thing..why do you think the spa's keep getting busted..

also do you think they dont post here and do reviews and see providers..come on think they don't have friends and family members that see providers and those folks dont talk to them about it..

stop the hysteria...

wait i see the question coming do they get a provider to vouch for them..,

cuz 97 percent of yall dont screen..and then when a lady contacts you your like...
he's safe..or hes cool..

heres a lil reality for ya..

... every one of yall are in the hood according to someone else..ijs...
Thanks for adding to this threAD, Well said!! I live in the suburbs....I think? I Have to get clarification from the threAD master, just to make sure
Thanks for adding to this threAD, Well said!! I live in the suburbs....I think? I Have to get clarification from the threAD master, just to make sure Originally Posted by splitlicker
so according to someone in a higher financial earning bracket..
you're basically sugacoatin ..

you in da hood...
Justin Heranus's Avatar
i forgot what i was going to say, aj avatar distracted me. looking very hot . this should prob get moved to coed, then the discussion will get interesting.
id move it..but im looking at a pic of a steak while eating pbj..and thats whats for dinner tonight..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
yo op


stop playing me girl
so this dream thread will end
hey those pics in the wrong thread..and remove the title too..ijs..
elghund's Avatar
This is not an alert......should be moved to Coed.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
hey Originally Posted by aj14620
why thank you Missy
hahahah!!! you silly ed..
I'm not trying to hijack the thread but...

Who in the sweet hell does this splitlicker think he is.
You just got a membership as of Yesterday... And here you are just going in on people in a not nice underhanded way...
Personally I think its PlasticMan with another handle and persona...

Anyway, back to tothe point of the thread by AA
Better to be safe then sorry.
I will be screening harder and vigilantly from here on out.
ms cannot blame everything on pm..and folks can read this site without having a membership..just cuz he just joined up doesnt mean he doesnt know you read your posts or maybe even visited you..or me or any provider verified on here..

just screen and do you ..if folks post on threads that just joined..they post on threads..lots of lurkers on this site..never alienate them..ive always found them to be super charming..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hahahah!!! you silly ed.. Originally Posted by aj14620
You're a fine looking filly
and know not to play with Mr Ed
thatsa right i leave stable owners alone and dont poke at them..
offshoredrilling's Avatar

chess not played here

that ok aj, you still could be a sweet