What's in your diet menu?? Pictures of fav. foods to eat healthier

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Need my meat and fruit
I'm healthy with a BP of a 20 year old at 3X the age. My health food consists of lots of FRIED eggs and beef. Eggs because cytene a good defense against illness.
Are Crawfish a good or bad thing for a diet? I ate 3lbs earlier
myren1900's Avatar
Crawfish are high in protein and low in saturated fat.
Bad new is that they are high in cholesterol.

Overall, I would say good.
Yes soda's are bad.... Seafood is good!! You can eat a lot of it and be ok.

Also portion control is the key... Don't over eat just because it is there and it taste's good.
You can eat small portions all day and still loose the weight. Cut everything in 1/2 or 1/4 the size....

Gradual weight loss is better I was told. You will maintain it better that way.

Exercise is also key. Walking or running if you can. I bought a weight set recently off CL for $200. Awesome investment for my lifestyle change...
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
It's been 3 years since I've had a carbonated beverage. I eat a lot of carrots, cabbage, beans, broccoli, baked chicken and fish.

I also maintain a heavy balance of cardio and with light weight / high reps.

I do treat myself to a pint of Hagan Das every two weeks.
Beefalo is also great for dieting, all protein and zero fat, but hard to come by down here, but some specialty meat shops do carry it. Love grilling that stuff.
This food looks soo good right before lunch. I eat whatever I want with one caveat. I go with the CICO or Calorie in Calorie out method. Its like a budget for your food. I use a site to generate my calorie goal for me to lose a pound or two a week. So 1600/day for a pound a week or 1200/day for 2 pounds a week. Then track my calories with phone app. MyFitnessPal used to be good before they got bought out and all the adds. I can eat what I want as long as I stay below my goal calories I am good. The hard part is finding filling items that allow me to stay within my goals.
What is in your diet menu?? Or do you not eat healthy things??...

My breakfast today was this, Spinach scrambled eggs, wheat toast with smart balance butter...

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
That looks like a pretty good breakfast. I have a couple of eggs every morning for breakfast too. For lunch I usually have baked chicken with at least two vegetables. I completely avoid fast foods. I alternate beef, chicken and fish throughout the week, about once a month I eat calves liver. I always eat at least two sides of vegetables such as broccoli, whole green beans, carrots etc., which I always steam. I train about 4-5 days a week in the gym with weights. Sometimes I lift heavy with low volume, sometimes light with high volume, it sort of depends. Any kind of activity along with a sound diet will keep you healthy and happy whether it be golf, bowling ,swimming or tennis. I just happen to like the iron, lol.

MrCthulhu's Avatar
Keto was the best diet I've ever been on. Bacon and cheese with every meal. Lost about 20 pounds in a month.