Opportunity for GOP to go new direction

bambino's Avatar
Good grief!

When trump loses his gop bid he will go independent. Thus handing libs the 24 election! Out of his own petty and selfish reasons!
America is sick of his shit!
As Republicans we need new blood! Originally Posted by winn dixie

If you say so.
texassapper's Avatar
The American public has now denounced trump in 3 consecutive elections!

18 we lost ground in the House
20 trump was trounced and we lost ground in congress
22 We lost the senate because of trump candidates and way under performed in the house. All due to trumpys

Exit poling and analysts all agree on this. Originally Posted by winn dixie

If what you say is true, it shouldn't bother you in the least.
bambino's Avatar
The American public has now denounced trump in 3 consecutive elections!

18 we lost ground in the House
20 trump was trounced and we lost ground in congress
22 We lost the senate because of trump candidates and way under performed in the house. All due to trumpys

Exit poling and analysts all agree on this. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You actually believe Joey Bribes got 81 million legitimate votes? Fetterman actually won? I’m losing faith in you.
As many Republicans are discovering we need to get a fresh start.
Were moving away from trump and his circus of problems.
We realize elon is doing good things with twitter but hes just weird and unreliable
desantis is a divider not a unifier. Hes another trump repackaged
abbott has sold out to the extreme far right and has slammed legislation down voters throats that no where near reflects the will of the people.

Nikki Haley Tim Scott and others are the New Start we need!
Get away from the polarizing idiots and stop the infighting.
Thats the dems! NOT REPUBLICANS! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You’re 100% right. The only way the Republican Party would lose the 2024 election is if Trump and his cult fuck things up. They would have themselves to blame. He’s too divisive and too hated to win. Women hate him. Minorities are convinced he’s racist.
A "fresh start" and a "new direction"? ..... Perhaps a Ron DeSantis/Kari Lake ticket could be a big step in the right direction towards achieving just that .....
Meatball Ron is weak.
  • Tiny
  • 02-15-2023, 03:52 PM
As many Republicans are discovering we need to get a fresh start.
Were moving away from trump and his circus of problems.
We realize elon is doing good things with twitter but hes just weird and unreliable
desantis is a divider not a unifier. Hes another trump repackaged
abbott has sold out to the extreme far right and has slammed legislation down voters throats that no where near reflects the will of the people.

Nikki Haley Tim Scott and others are the New Start we need!
Get away from the polarizing idiots and stop the infighting.
Thats the dems! NOT REPUBLICANS! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The time is now Originally Posted by winn dixie
The American public has now denounced trump in 3 consecutive elections!

18 we lost ground in the House
20 trump was trounced and we lost ground in congress
22 We lost the senate because of trump candidates and way under performed in the house. All due to trumpys

Exit poling and analysts all agree on this. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Good grief!

When trump loses his gop bid he will go independent. Thus handing libs the 24 election! Out of his own petty and selfish reasons!
America is sick of his shit!
As Republicans we need new blood! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Cant wait for the convention when AS A PARTY the GOP gives the middle finger to trump!
As i mentioned hes such an ass he'll become an independent and sabotage America and keep Republicans from winning the WH in 24 Originally Posted by winn dixie
Now! The subject is Republicans need new blood and go in a different direction. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Great thread Winn Dixie. Ditto everything you said. My only problem with Nikki Haley is that she's a bit of a neoconservative. That is, a little too hawkish on foreign policy and defense. But that's a small price to pay for a winning ticket. And one that could reset the popularity of the Republican party among women and black Americans.
  • Tiny
  • 02-15-2023, 03:56 PM
The American public has now denounced trump in 3 consecutive elections!

18 we lost ground in the House
20 trump was trounced and we lost ground in congress
22 We lost the senate because of trump candidates and way under performed in the house. All due to trumpys

Exit poling and analysts all agree on this. Originally Posted by winn dixie

If what you say is true, it shouldn't bother you in the least. Originally Posted by texassapper
So you want four more years for Biden?
Trump and his minions keep holding on to that rigged election fraud 2020 bs will be their ruin. And hunter's laptop? lol. Nothingburger.

If GOP wants a chance, they need solid policy talk only, like massive healthcare and immigration reform... Not just a wall, real immigration reform... Real healthcare reform, not just a stack of blank paper... Stop the whining about Biden and what he has had to do to stabilize things that trump fucked up. Covid, supply chain, low interest rates and china import taxes all led to eventual massive inflation. And adding 25% of the total debt in 4 years didn't help anything.
GOP needs to Axe Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, MTG and Hoebert. McCarthy seems to be a grown up so far, we'll see how long that lasts.
winn dixie's Avatar
We do need to clean house! Thats why I want fresh faces in the Republican party
We do need to clean house! Thats why I want fresh faces in the Republican party Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don’t disagree with you there. Common sense conservatives that haven’t been run out of the party or marginalized could rebuild the party. Sadly, you’re stuck with more Ted Cruzes than Mitt Romneys.

Can’t clean house with gerrymandered districts. It makes the likes of Jim Jordans and Marjorie Greens more likely rather than less.

Open primaries and ranked voting would likely get rid of a great many nuts on both extremes.
... Surely need to grab another beer... This therad
more entertaining than a Rockhampton Riot!

.... Whole thing sounds like a RINO bitching-session in
the Wall Street Journal lounge...

... Maybe some o' you mates can hold a seance for ol' John McCain
- bring him back from the dead... ... Trump 2024!

### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
So you want four more years for Biden? Originally Posted by Tiny
LOL... The Republic is gone. Stop fretting about it. Balkanization is next. Texas and other Red leaning states will start to defy DC. I'd prefer whoever is running Biden to be in charge simply to hasten the implosion.

Nothing will change until it does.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nicky Haley is up to ten percent in the most recent poll that I trust. desantis [trump repackaged] is way down. trump at 49 percent. Not a majority.

Nicky Haley and Tulsi Gabbard! 2024

Restore America!!!!!!!!!!!!