I Post On NCNS's

TexRich's Avatar
dude I thought you were taking some time off? hell, I took more time off this past month and I did not need to start a thread about it.

as far as your predicament here.....charge it to the mother fucking game! shit happens, and it always will.
as always texrich has to be an ass
wgrace's Avatar
I agree you should post when a girl ncns on you but at least wait 24 hours for her to give an explanation then if she doesn't reply or has a bs answer then post it. I mean shit happens sometimes thats beyond control but I simple phone call is all it takes which I can't understand why they don't do more often.
TexRich's Avatar
just calling it like I see it. sorry you got your panties in a bunch with this lady. shame one her!
lol-took you two days to come up with that response texrich.
Block me if you don't like my posts. It seems most folks are in agreement with me on this one.
NCNS's are BS and we all know it.
TexRich's Avatar
looey, I know NCNSs are not cool, the point of the matter it happens to all of us, the best of us and it will always happen. if every lady and client would write about their NCNSs this board would have to creat a new forum for it. I am sure the lady in question has more experience being NCNS than you. to whine about it on a hooker/john board makes you look as bad as her. if you cant realize that then I am sorry for you. ditto on blocking me, I have a feeling you do not like my posts more.
White Tiger's Avatar
I, too, have to drive from FW to (typically) north Dallas - I accept the NCNS's as part of the game now, but they always sting, especially with the drive back. That's partly how I discovered the wonder of the AMP's--always a satisfactory Plan B.
Actuallly texrich if everyone DID write about their NCNS's and make an issue out of it maybe it wouldn't happen as much.
Guess what? This is an open forum to discuss what?
The hobby. I posted about an issue that really pisses me off,gee ,I really screwed the pooch there didn't I ?

I think it is very obvious the only reason you posted to this thread is you have some kind of issues with me.
Instead of posting remarks towards a user you don't like on their threads why not keep your dislike to yourself or post your own thread .
So lets keep this on topic and quit making personal attacks, it really shows a lack of class.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I agree you should post when a girl ncns on you but at least wait 24 hours for her to give an explanation then if she doesn't reply or has a bs answer then post it. I mean shit happens sometimes thats beyond control but I simple phone call is all it takes which I can't understand why they don't do more often. Originally Posted by wgrace
You know, we always hear that, but I'm going to disagree. We need to know if there is a pattern, and that relies on hearing as many incidents as possible. Plus how would you even know if the excuse were legit? Are we giving credit for bothering to come up with one?
TexRich's Avatar
dude get over yourself and do like wise as you suggest, i.e. personal attacks (calling me an "ass") and getting off topic. I just reminded you of your so called semi retired or taking a break thread which you wasted bandwidth but I also posted on topic about shit happens all the time but you did not like it. if you start a thread do not expect everyone to agree with you or sympathize with you, if you cant handle that then that's too bad.
Please don't piss off Looie, he might not share hobby rule number 2 with us.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Please don't piss off Looie, he might not share hobby rule number 2 with us. Originally Posted by monkmonk

ive been waiting to find out what that is
TexRich's Avatar
at the risk of getting off topic here and possibly angering Mr. Hades.....nice video tease Jules!
okay folks so lets remember the new rules here on Eccie.If texrich or any other person does not like a thread. It is a waste of bandwith.
From here on out we must ask permission from these guys before we post to make sure we do not offend their idea of what is a suitable post for this site.
My apologies texrich for posting on an open forum without your expressed permission.
Oh and since you want to keep bringing up my post about taking a break. Re-read it . I said I was slowing down and that yes I would still be active just not as much.
I haven't written a review in a couple months so I would say that my original post was accurate. Though I really didn't see the need to justify what I post till you started all this bullshit.
I am done and would appreciate if the mods think its appropriate for this thread to be closed.
Torito's Avatar
I agree. It's done.
