Zika virus in tx spread through sex

Ravasher's Avatar
No disease is sexually transmitted, unless your immune system is heavily compromised. When was the last time anyone heard of HIV, or Clamidya. Remember Magic Johnson he never had shit. The presstitutes need it to sell a bill of goods and doctors were shoving that shit. Sex is as safe as ever. America is run by fear mongers and soulless demons who only care about making a profit. The whole 80's aids/Hiv was a diabolic tests conducted to see how homosexuals, and blacks who were injected with a cocktail of toxins will create a new disease to destroy their immune system. As long as you take care of your immune system by giving your body what it really needs, you will be ok. Originally Posted by ilikeit09
So do you read conspiracy theories often?
FireKitten's Avatar

The latest on the sexual transmission of it.
milfy2002's Avatar
No disease is sexually transmitted, unless your immune system is heavily compromised. When was the last time anyone heard of HIV, or Clamidya. Remember Magic Johnson he never had shit. The presstitutes need it to sell a bill of goods and doctors were shoving that shit. Sex is as safe as ever. America is run by fear mongers and soulless demons who only care about making a profit. The whole 80's aids/Hiv was a diabolic tests conducted to see how homosexuals, and blacks who were injected with a cocktail of toxins will create a new disease to destroy their immune system. As long as you take care of your immune system by giving your body what it really needs, you will be ok. Originally Posted by ilikeit09

Have you completely lost your shit or are you trying to be sarcastic?

Edit: Ain't nobody got time for no microcephalic trick babies! (Too soon?)

FunInDFW's Avatar
I believe there was research forthcoming showing its actually related to a pesticide rather than the virus.
  • grean
  • 02-22-2016, 10:07 AM
Let's say you do contract Zika, as a male. They say once you're "Zika free" the virus still can stay in your semen for an unknown period of time.

We'll if you're Zika Free and then you, lets say, use all your old ammo at the practice range over the course of a couple of weeks.

Wont your new ammo be Zika free too?
Strange....I don't recall hearing diddly squat about this Zika thing when the World Cup was taking place a couple years ago (in Brazil).

Now here it is....we're scant months away from the opening of the Summer Olympics (destination: Rio) and the talking heads are all over this story. In addition to that issue, there's much ado about the sorry conditions of the open waters down there, as well.

I'm sure Rio de Janeiro is a fine city and all.....but damn...did the IOC drop the ball on awarding them the Olympics?