When it first came out people thought it was a joke...

I also support the removal of dams along our major waterways. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeh, tell the people in Nevada and California that dismantling Hoover Dam is a good idea.

Or a whole shift load of people in the South who get their power from The Tennessee Valley Authority.

True, the Corps of Engineers are like a beavers, they see running water and want to build dams. Some do seem rather ill conceived.
"via executive order"?

There's a reason that this place is more fucked up than usual...people making shit up all the time... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Here is a better perspective.


This is just my opinion, but declaring anything in Alaska a "National Treasure" is assinine. I have been there twice, and it's mostly just a frozen shithole for 2/3 of the year anywhere North of Fairbanks.

It's the only State in the Union where they pay people to live there.
Obama has announced that he is personally via executive order going to place 12 million acres of Alaska off limits to energy exploration. That is a little over half of the Alaska Wildlife Preserve (22 million acres). Alaskans are angry especially elected representatives that were not warned, or asked, ahead of time. The king has spoken! Bow down and kiss his ass....or kick it. This is pretty high handed thing to do to the people of a state in the union. To take away opportunities for jobs when unemployment is around 10%. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Look on the bright side.

At least his idiot supporters cannot claim that Obama is responsible for low oil prices, since he keeps doing his damnedest to reduce supply.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ah yes, The Don taking another opportunity for some free publicity.
A master at calling attention to himself.
He would be a good one to buy stock in if you were not so sure he was going to fuck you over before it is done.
Not ALL dams.

But here is an example, there are many other dams that could be removed without creating widespread problems.

World’s Largest Dam Removal Unleashes U.S. River After Century of Electric Production

The removal of the Glines Canyon Dam and the Elwha Dam, a smaller downstream dam, began in late 2011. Three years later, salmon are migrating past the former dam sites, trees and shrubs are sprouting in the drained reservoir beds, and sediment once trapped behind the dams is rebuilding beaches at the Elwha's outlet to the sea. For many, the recovery is the realization of what once seemed a far-fetched fantasy.

Yeh, tell the people in Nevada and California that dismantling Hoover Dam is a good idea.

Or a whole shift load of people in the South who get their power from The Tennessee Valley Authority.

True, the Corps of Engineers are like a beavers, they see running water and want to build dams. Some do seem rather ill conceived. Originally Posted by Jackie S
LexusLover's Avatar
".....sediment once trapped behind the dams is rebuilding beaches at the Elwha's outlet to the sea."

I just love walking in the sediment at the beach. Nothing like hot babes mud wrestllng.

The only thing more fun is lying in rotting sea weed.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, we're talking about dams instead of presidential overreach....there was an earthen dam in Florida that all the environmentalists just hated. It took 20 some years but they finally won a single lawsuit (against many losses) and the dam was destroyed. Also destroyed (which the press referred to after the fact) were recreational businesses, hundreds of eagle nests, the loss of various fish and water critters, and an entire eco system that had developed over the sixty years that the dam was there. Way to go knuckleheads!

I guess people will care when a president puts your backyard off limits.