Is this Obama's "Eisenhower Moment?"

Let's chalk up LL in the category of those who have yet to figure out who "WE THE PEOPLE" are. Originally Posted by bigtex
Tex, you have to admit that the World was much different. In the mid to late 50's, we were in a economic boom where the majority of people who voted were living the middle class life, and a much smaller percentage of the population depended on the Government for their very substance.

We now have a dependent population that is dependent on the Government that is approaching 50 percent. They will vote for what ever Demagogue will promise them the most at any given moment. That is exactly how we have ended up with such a poor Commander in Chief at this moment in time.

We will survive President Obama. What we will not survive is a society where the majority of the people are too damned ignorant, or stupid, to understand that the one special thing about America is the freedoms that allow each of us to live up to what ever potential we were blessed with.

By the way, I don't hold much stock in the ability of some "Tulane Professor" to give an objective opinion about anything, much less Constitutional Law.

I live in the real World, he doesn't.
You just hijacked your own thread, you ignorant, Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just correcting a glaring mistake (at no charge, by the way) made by JD Idiot's dumber twin brother, IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just correcting a glaring mistake (at no charge) made by the twin brother of JD Idiot. Originally Posted by bigtex
No, you ignorant, Cougar High 'gra-gee-ate': BigKoTex, the BUTTer Barr Asshat, you hijacked your own thread with a subject changing deflection. Thus, your ignorant, Cougar High 'gra-gee-ated' ass, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Barr Asshat, admitted your hero -- Odumbo -- can't survive a one-on-one comparison with Eisenhower.
By the way, I don't hold much stock in the ability of some "Tulane Professor" to give an objective opinion about anything, much less Constitutional Law. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And do you put more stock in the opinion of an individual who might be a Wal Mart 'greeter' from OKC that is still trying to beat on Barry Goldwater's drums, 15 years after he died?

No, you ignorant, Cougar High 'gra-gee-ate': Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Eat em' up, Coogs!
This is Obama's Richard Nixon/Ron Ziegler moment where people in the White House inner circle even began to realize that their President was in trouble that he wasn't going to recover from.
And do you put more stock in the opinion of an individual who might be a Wal Mart 'greeter' from OKC that is still trying to beat on Barry Goldwater's drums, 15 years after he died?

Eat em' up, Coogs! Originally Posted by bigtex
Come to think of it, yeh
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, you ignorant, Cougar High 'gra-gee-ate': BigKoTex, the BUTTer Barr Asshat, you hijacked your own thread with a subject changing deflection. Thus, your ignorant, Cougar High 'gra-gee-ated' ass, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Barr Asshat, admitted your hero -- Odumbo -- can't survive a one-on-one comparison with Eisenhower. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Where did you earn your degree, Corpy?

Illinois state school of scatology? Or in Joliet?

Doubtful. You behave like a bitter GED class dropout.
LexusLover's Avatar
How did you like my reference to "WE THE PEOPLE"? I

Have you ever figured who they are? Originally Posted by bigtex
I "assume" you are referring to the time period in which it was written.

Yes, I have a pretty good idea, and on a weekly, if no daily, basis I address that "condition."

As you learned swimming out of the canal in your boots ..

.... saying and doing are different.

Or perhaps more appropriate ....

.. going fishing is different from catching fish.

.. going fishing is different from catching fish. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree wholeheartedly! I have had a few exceptional "catching fish" days in my lifetime and some not so good "catching fish" days, with yesterday being one of them.

And a whole lot of in between.

By the same token, giving a speech directly under a huge MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner is dramatically different than actually ACCOMPLISHING the MISSION.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigAssHatTex likes to throw around the phrase "We the people" as a playground taunt demanding to know if we know "who they are". Well, let's take a look. The phrase comes from the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, and reads as follows:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

But let's look more closely, to find out who "We the people" are, and what they were trying to do.

We the people of the United States, These were the delegates selected to represent their sovereign states to improve certain areas, primarily commerce and defense, lacking in the Articles of Confederation in order to form a more perfect union, Having established that trade and defense were hindered by the sovereignty of the several states, the states determined to surrender just enough sovereignty to promote free trade, and defend the borders establish justice, Economic justice, primarily. However, Obama has consistently worked against justice in every sense of the word, demanding preferences based on race, economic standing, and other criteria unrelated to actions. insure domestic tranquility, By easing trade restrictions among the states, and providing uniform leadership for the defense of the states if attacked by an outsider. Obama has promoted domestic chaos by promoting class warfare, race warfare and any other divisions he can promote to advance his agenda. provide for the common defense, As stated earlier. However, Obama now believes we need to defend our enemies from our other enemies, and has identified US citizens as those from who we need to be defended. promote the general welfare, General welfare, not specific welfare based on race, economic status or other criteria of individuals. Obama, and his predecessors have taken this away from the states to enforce welfare on varying bases, determined by who will vote for who. and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The Founders wanted this country to remain free, which is why they established a DOCUMENT to be our ruler, rather than a person. The Rule of Law as established by the Constitution was to be our sovereign, not any person or group of persons. The entirety of the federal government was established to PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND the Constitution of the United States. Not a person, not a group, not a class, not a special interest, ONLY the Constitution of the United States. We all know what Obama thinks of the Constitution.

And then we are to respect the word of a Constitutional Law Professor? Most Wal-Mart greeters have more sense than Law Professors. In fact, the reason our country is going down the road to tyranny so quickly is that we have relied too much on lawyers and law professors, especially in the area of Constitutional Law. I think no lawyer or law professor should ever be seated as a Justice of the Supreme Court. We need linguistics professors on the Court. People who will say "This is what that word meant when it was written, and to change it, you need to promote and pass an amendment through the process established in the Constitution."

Who are "We the people"? Certainly not any Obama supporter. Obama is the antithesis of what "We the people" were trying to accomplish.
Rumor has it that Hanoi COG is posting from one of the mens room stalls at the Beautiful Downtown Damascus Bus Station.

His 'bidness' must be a little slow today.
Rumor has it that Hanoi COG is posting from one of the mens room stalls at the Beautiful Downtown Damascus Bus Station.

His 'bidness' must be a little slow today. Originally Posted by bigtex
His customers have been out fishin'.
His customers have been out fishin'. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turdfly, you never told us before that you enjoyed fishin'. Which pond were you and Hanoi COG's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY (The 2 Gay Blades) fishin' at?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Turdfly, you never told us before that you enjoyed fishin'. Which pond were you and Hanoi COG's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY (The 2 Gay Blades) fishin' at? Originally Posted by bigtex
You are so predictably stupid!

LexusLover's Avatar
By the same token, giving a speech directly under a huge MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner is dramatically different than actually ACCOMPLISHING the MISSION. Originally Posted by bigtex
I agree. And the Lincoln (crew) had ACCOMPLISHED THEIR MISSION ..

.... and they EARNED and DERSERVED the recognition from the BOSS.

Just like .. had you caught a "record setting" fish ... you would deserve RECOGNITION.

It's just kind of sad that you refuse to allow deserving servicemembers to be RECOGNIZED for their invaluable service to this country without politicizing it in an effort to paint the COC, who does, in an unfavorable and critical "light" ... apparently, you didn't learn much when you returned from your "accomplished" service to this country on your way to buy a new Mustang upon your discharge. .....and I'm "assuming" you didn't proudly wear your uniform back then.

No matter how much I disagreed with any COC on policy or personality, I have not marginalized and/or minimized the service of order abiding citizens who have contributed and risked life and limb in their duty to this country.

You might try that for a change.