Let us not forget Pearl Harbor

LMFAO wondered how long till a fucktard turned it into blame someone hijack.
LexusLover's Avatar
He killed a lot of Krauts too... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That shit gives you gas ... pardon the pun.

It's really nasty with fish mixed with it after being buried for awhile.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the US had such Moxie and force of character why did the Japanese attack us? Originally Posted by BigLouie
There was a debate within the Japanese decision makers.

I think someone called the U.S. .....

..."Junior Varsity"....."ジュニアバーシティ" ..."Juniabāshiti"
Wakeup's Avatar
Great uncle, enlisted December 8, 1941, Second Lieutenant, pilot, shot down over Bremen, November 29, 1943. No trace of airframe or crew found. Listed on the Tablets of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery, Cambridge, England.

I visited the cemetery in February, and as next of kin, they performed a ceremony where they rubbed sand, taken from the beaches at Normandy, into the engraving of his name on the tablet, and presented me a flag.

As a soldier, I'd never cried so hard in my life...
BigLouie's Avatar
Because Roosevelt spent all the money on shovel ready jobs instead of modernizing our military in a dangerous world. He thought that putting 5,000 men to work digging ditches was better than putting 1,000 men to work building an aircraft carrier. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why am I not surprised that you would come up with total crap like this. You're totally uneducated aren't you. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. As Japan saw it there was anarchy in the world as long as every nation had absolute sovereignty; it was necessary for Japan to fight to establish a hierarchy, under Japan of course, since Japan alone represented a nation truly hierarchical from top to bottom and hence understood the necessity of taking 'one's proper place'. Japan, having attained unification and peace in her homeland should, according to Japanese premises of hierarchy, raise her backward younger brother China. Being of the same race as Greater East Asia, she should eliminate the United States and after her Britain and Russia from that part of the work and 'take her proper place.' Unfortunately for Japan the countries she occupied did not see it in the same light to say the least. At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack Japan needed resources as their attacks on China was using up all available. They set their eyes on Dutch East Indies as a place to gain resources. So they had to find a way to prevent the US from fighting with them until they conquered the Dutch East Indies. That's when they planned Pearl Harbor. The goal of Pearl Harbor was to disable the American fleet for a few months to give them enough time to conquer the Dutch East Indies and to absorb its resources to finance their war in China and the US once the US' navy was rebuilt. And THAT is why the attack came about. How weak or strong the US was at that time was never a consideration.

And see if you can response without calling names and asking for a link. This is something I learned over a life time, there is no one single link.
and when the United States of America had some Moxie, that great force of character along with respect, as we did not wait for the second attack in the name of Political Correctness. ("Empathize with our enemies", ya right Hillary, that will keep our country intact) FDR went to Congress and Congress declared war the day after the attack.

Also thank you to Jan Brewer for go to and remembering Pearl Harbor and the men and women (yes nurses were killed), as we should not forget, if not only for the simple reason of the hateful divisiveness this country has been brought to with our so called "leaders".

Also to our great entertainers of that time in history, who fought so valiantly for this country, unlike the so called entertainers of today who can only think about themselves and how much of their bodies they can show off to be the so called "important person of the day".


Thank you to ALL the great heroes of the United States of America, you have kept us intact as a nation so far. LET IT NOT BE IN VAIN.

Like Originally Posted by Cherie
Thanks for this post!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why am I not surprised that you would come up with total crap like this. You're totally uneducated aren't you. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. As Japan saw it there was anarchy in the world as long as every nation had absolute sovereignty; it was necessary for Japan to fight to establish a hierarchy, under Japan of course, since Japan alone represented a nation truly hierarchical from top to bottom and hence understood the necessity of taking 'one's proper place'. Japan, having attained unification and peace in her homeland should, according to Japanese premises of hierarchy, raise her backward younger brother China. Being of the same race as Greater East Asia, she should eliminate the United States and after her Britain and Russia from that part of the work and 'take her proper place.' Unfortunately for Japan the countries she occupied did not see it in the same light to say the least. At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack Japan needed resources as their attacks on China was using up all available. They set their eyes on Dutch East Indies as a place to gain resources. So they had to find a way to prevent the US from fighting with them until they conquered the Dutch East Indies. That's when they planned Pearl Harbor. The goal of Pearl Harbor was to disable the American fleet for a few months to give them enough time to conquer the Dutch East Indies and to absorb its resources to finance their war in China and the US once the US' navy was rebuilt. And THAT is why the attack came about. How weak or strong the US was at that time was never a consideration.

And see if you can response without calling names and asking for a link. This is something I learned over a life time, there is no one single link. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Close, but no cigar, BL. The Japanese struck at Pearl Harbor hoping to cripple the U.S. Pacific Fleet long enough to establish its Greater Southeast Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and then defend it against U.S. retaliation just as you say, but that decision was entirely based on Japan's perception that Japan's naval forces were at their peak while U.S. naval strength in the Pacific would only continue to grow stronger.
Why am I not surprised that you would come up with total crap like this. You're totally uneducated aren't you. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. As Japan saw it there was anarchy in the world as long as every nation had absolute sovereignty; it was necessary for Japan to fight to establish a hierarchy, under Japan of course, since Japan alone represented a nation truly hierarchical from top to bottom and hence understood the necessity of taking 'one's proper place'. Japan, having attained unification and peace in her homeland should, according to Japanese premises of hierarchy, raise her backward younger brother China. Being of the same race as Greater East Asia, she should eliminate the United States and after her Britain and Russia from that part of the work and 'take her proper place.' Unfortunately for Japan the countries she occupied did not see it in the same light to say the least. At the time of the Pearl Harbor attack Japan needed resources as their attacks on China was using up all available. They set their eyes on Dutch East Indies as a place to gain resources. So they had to find a way to prevent the US from fighting with them until they conquered the Dutch East Indies. That's when they planned Pearl Harbor. The goal of Pearl Harbor was to disable the American fleet for a few months to give them enough time to conquer the Dutch East Indies and to absorb its resources to finance their war in China and the US once the US' navy was rebuilt. And THAT is why the attack came about. How weak or strong the US was at that time was never a consideration.

And see if you can response without calling names and asking for a link. This is something I learned over a life time, there is no one single link. Originally Posted by BigLouie
The biggest mistake the Japanese made was underestimating the resolve of the United States of America. That, combined that with the tremendous manufacturing capabilities of a mobilized American population proved Admiral Yamamoto's fear of "awakening a sleeping giant".

President Roosevelt proved to be the right Leader at the right time. And regardless of what the attitude was just prior to The Attack on Dec. 7th, the thinking of the Country as a whole steadily evolved into a policy that said, in affect, "to end this war, we will, if it takes, kill every last German and Japanese person on the Planet". And we were doing a pretty good job of it before the final compitulation in 1945.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So, Jackie, do you think the Japanese should have wen allowed to "compitulate" or should we have killed every last one of them anyway?
So, Jackie, do you think the Japanese should have wen allowed to "compitulate" or should we have killed every last one of them anyway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know "if you had a brain, you would take it out and play with it"...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, SLOBBRIN, we all know that you don't "know"shit.
BigLouie's Avatar
Close, but no cigar, BL. The Japanese struck at Pearl Harbor hoping to cripple the U.S. Pacific Fleet long enough to establish its Greater Southeast Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and then defend it against U.S. retaliation just as you say, but that decision was entirely based on Japan's perception that Japan's naval forces were at their peak while U.S. naval strength in the Pacific would only continue to grow stronger. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Close but not true. Their efforts in China were using all their resources at a tremendous rate. They needed more resources and taking over other areas was the best option in their eyes. However they were afraid the US would race across the Pacific to come to the aid of the Dutch. Little did they know that the US had decided against that option. The Japanese made another blunder because they thought the war would be fought between battleships. They did not comprehend the role of air craft carriers and airplanes and subs in modern war. So they took out all the battleships in Pearl and made no effort to take out the carriers. What came as a total shock to both Germany and Japan was the manufacturing capabilities of the US. They had no idea the US could crank out what they needed as fast as they could. Neither country had a counter and it doomed them.

And as far as killing all the Japanese. At this time the people of Japan still thought of the Emperor as a god-like figure. For the US to lay their hands on him and take him into custody they would have had to kill every man, woman and child in Japan to do it. The US estimated a loss of life on the US side at 1 million as the cost of the invasion of the mainland. Which is why we dropped the bomb.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Close but not true. Their efforts in China were using all their resources at a tremendous rate. They needed more resources and taking over other areas was the best option in their eyes. However they were afraid the US would race across the Pacific to come to the aid of the Dutch. Little did they know that the US had decided against that option. The Japanese made another blunder because they thought the war would be fought between battleships. They did not comprehend the role of air craft carriers and airplanes and subs in modern war. So they took out all the battleships in Pearl and made no effort to take out the carriers. What came as a total shock to both Germany and Japan was the manufacturing capabilities of the US. They had no idea the US could crank out what they needed as fast as they could. Neither country had a counter and it doomed them.

And as far as killing all the Japanese. At this time the people of Japan still thought of the Emperor as a god-like figure. For the US to lay their hands on him and take him into custody they would have had to kill every man, woman and child in Japan to do it. The US estimated a loss of life on the US side at 1 million as the cost of the invasion of the mainland. Which is why we dropped the bomb. Originally Posted by BigLouie
There were no U.S. carriers at Pearl on December 7th, BL. That's why Nagumo didn't send in the last strike: he didn't know where in hell the U.S. carriers were. The Japanese were masters of naval aviation, BL. They were better at it than the U.S. when the war started, and they were pioneers in submarine warfare. Their best subs outclassed every other nation's submarines during WWII. And they attacked when they did, because they knew they could only grow weaker while the U.S. grew stronger.
So, Jackie, do you think the Japanese should have wen allowed to "compitulate" or should we have killed every last one of them anyway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sorry, the word is capitulate.

As for the meaning, our demand was "unconditional surrender". That is self explanatory.
So, Jackie, do you think the Japanese should have wen allowed to "compitulate" or should we have killed every last one of them anyway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So Ass Eater, do you think you should have "WEN" allowed to ask for extra peanuts in your turd logs? how about the corn?