Obama (people who voted for him)

I'm not sure which one I would vote for:

I do believe we had a balanced Budget when Clinton left office,,then came Bush....remember him?????????? what an idiot,,but we don't want to blame him, even tho he squandered the budget with his Dads war
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yes Clinton did have a balanced budget. As handed to her errrr ok him by the Legislative. As also Bushy the rhino. Not sure why you all call him a idiot. He was more left that Billy boy. I will say it was right to hammer Iraq and Afghanistan. But why in the hell did we stay. But both did get the ok of the Legislative. Now how is that Libya thing going and why and not ok'ed by the Legislative.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
oh and by the way Obama out spent Bushy's 8 years in 3 months. Even with that push to get Bushy to spend that biggie near the end. But go ahead just keep blaming it all on Bushy. As I don't blame Obama for all of it now. Just most of it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-01-2011, 09:34 AM
oh and by the way Obama out spent Bushy's 8 years in 3 months. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

More facts
for OSD to ignore.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmmm like I said made up facts. I would go out and look for the real fact. But they are not out there. But I could find some that support me. But they would be made up too. You all don't get it. Any thing we could find on the web is a lie from one side or the other.

mmmmm and those facts do not show the bail out Bushy pushed into by Obama nor Obama getting more for that.

Ans a tax cut is not a money spent. Its loss income,
offshoredrilling's Avatar
oh and you did call me a Rushy, wrong. And I'm not a new world order guy. If that was true. They would not be so dumb to let China and what is it called now. mmmm Russia. To be in a good position now to take over.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
NB I can help on that vote for you. But I need to now 2 things.
How tall each is.
Do ya have the cash for both.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh doove'y
If you want to know what I am.
I am a wing nut driver. Both left and right.
But it is easier to drive a left wing nut nuts. Short trip. lol
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 08-01-2011, 10:30 AM
Damn right, for 2 reasons.

1)The infantile petulance of modern day Republicans doesn't deserve to be rewarded.


2)Any President will be open to a certain amount of legitimate criticism. But the majority of the criticism coming at him from Republicans is so bereft of legitimate substance (Anita's posted video being Exhibit 1 with Jonballs postings being Exhibit 2) as to be laughable.

Is he perfect? Nope. Is he what i hoped he'd be when i voted for him the first time? Probably not. Is he better than anyone that people like Jonballs want to throw at us? Hell fu3kin' yeah. Originally Posted by Doove
offshoredrilling's Avatar
2)Any President will be open to a certain amount of legitimate criticism. But the majority of the criticism coming at him from Republicans is so bereft of legitimate substance (Anita's posted video being Exhibit 1 with Jonballs postings being Exhibit 2) as to be laughable.

That is a crock of shit as both sides criticized Bush. And he got way more than Obama. you want prof. The main stream media criticized Bush. And the right wing radio criticized Bush. Only the right wing radio shows criticizing Obama. Now that is just looking at the media. But its true no matter where ya look.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm lets put it this way as I think. Bush was more left than Clinton. Obama is Bush on drugs. Take your pic of any drug we can not talk about on this board.

And Bush was not a idiot. mmmm unless you think Obama is. Call Billy for the meaning of "IS"
My 401k is up 32% since 2008.
My income is up 17% since 2008.
My total taxes paid are down about 2%.

Based on these facts, I will be voting for Obama. The fact that the current lot of people running for President on the Republican side are either bat-shit crazy or willing to sell out our country to the fundies has little to do with it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
my 401 is down 50% since 2008
My cash income is down 75% since 2008
My total taxes paid are up 4% since 2008

So both are a so fucking what
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-01-2011, 02:08 PM
my 401 is down 50% since 2008
My cash income is down 75% since 2008
My total taxes paid are up 4% since 2008

So both are a so fucking what Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Mine looks about the same as your OSD, only a little worse.