Belly or Bust? Or both... ? Business-related questions, of course.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If'n yer caterin' ta sum buddy wif a fetish, yew all-ways charges'em extry. Thet's jus' tha way tha werld werks. Spesh-ee-al-it-teee seekers are usedt ta payin' more ta satisfy thar ob-skewer niche market tastes. Thet's why Ah pay top dollar fer gen-u-wine Hooter's gal usedt unnerwear on eBay. Yew kin keep them Bonedaddy's gals' skivvies. They's jus' imma-taters. 'Riginal Hooter's gals ALL tha way!
Bobave's Avatar
We asked for opinions on the topic. Originally Posted by Jesslove
No you didn't - CK did. The question still stands as to why some providers would ask him to represent their business interests.
Jack$lit's Avatar
It's a perfectly ligit question. My take is that it maybe a niche fetish , there for limiting business. Motherhood to me is special but not in a sexual way. Who knows, I maybe the minority here. It does have all that immune stuff and vitamin D . I say let them drink milk, it does a body good , got milk? thrown in the cookies and you got a new marketing plan.
italia's Avatar
No you didn't - CK did. The question still stands as to why some providers would ask him to represent their business interests. Originally Posted by Bobave
I love me a pregnant woman , never played pg bcd and never experienced bcd with a pg. Well not until recently that is but

Lol wow some of you people lol wow!!!

You all act like he committed a fucking crime. Why wouldn't a provider ask CK for advice ? I am sure he isn't the only one on the board to do something like this. It's a question that has been asked before, so what's the problem and so what if he asked it for a lady?

It's a fucking question.

It was me who asked him to post for advice because I didn't know how to ask. And why the fuck wouldn't I ask him ??? Why wouldn't any lady ask him for advice ??

Maybe because I have known him longer than anyone else I've known on this board or in this business. Because he is fucking father peter you puto and I take his advice more serious than others.

If I could trust you or anyone else, I'd have asked you for help but I trust CK for advice.

Stop talking shit and keep to the dam topic

Have a happy Friday :-* besitos

dodger's Avatar
Lol wow some of you people lol wow!!!
It's a fucking question.
Stop talking shit and keep to the dam topic

Have a happy Friday :-* besitos

Italia Originally Posted by italia
wow ... talk about your raging hormonal imbalances ...
TemptationTammie's Avatar
When I was pregnant, I was usually horny as hell because of the hormones. And some guys are turned on by it, whether it's the pheromones or just the thought of it. Who knows? But it's another area that is personal choice and nobody should judge because of it.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Allz I wanna say is congrats to the anonymous Happy Uteri and the baby daddies who scrogged a zygote up in 'em!

Bobave's Avatar
It was me who asked him to post for advice because I didn't know how to ask. Originally Posted by italia
And yet, here you are posting on the subject in this thread. Clearly, you are capable and willing to speak on your own behalf... but instead you asked CK to represent you in the matter?
How does every thread get off topic so quick? I mean if a question is asked, typically answers are given. I believe that's how it's supposed to work. People are always worried about the wrong thing...and if you pay real close attention, it's always the people that have absolutely no relation to the original topic. Attention seekers...ew
Shepherd King's Avatar
I'm curious about banging a lactating, (visibly!) pregnant provider, but I might find someone else to do if there's an upcharge. But if there's a discount.....................

Oh and I'll describe all the squelchy details in my review and the guys will all come running (run coming?).

I love me a pregnant woman , never played pg bcd and never experienced bcd with a pg. Well not until recently that is but

Lol wow some of you people lol wow!!!

You all act like he committed a fucking crime. Why wouldn't a provider ask CK for advice ? I am sure he isn't the only one on the board to do something like this. It's a question that has been asked before, so what's the problem and so what if he asked it for a lady?

It's a fucking question.

It was me who asked him to post for advice because I didn't know how to ask. And why the fuck wouldn't I ask him ??? Why wouldn't any lady ask him for advice ??

Maybe because I have known him longer than anyone else I've known on this board or in this business. Because he is fucking father peter you puto and I take his advice more serious than others.

If I could trust you or anyone else, I'd have asked you for help but I trust CK for advice.

Stop talking shit and keep to the dam topic

Have a happy Friday :-* besitos

Italia Originally Posted by italia
Who exactly is the "you all" in your rant? Only one individual questioned CK's motives with a single post.

If the comment had simply been ignored the thread would have stayed on topic.
It's not actually the guys who are over reacting and further derailing the thread now is it?

I've always wondered how a man could fuck a very pregnant woman who is carrying someone else's child but that's just me.
A pregnant woman is exceptionally beautiful on many levels but sexy not so much that I can see. Others get turned on by the big belly and uncontrollable farting go figure.
If she was my woman and it was my child I'm sure I might see things differently as the bond of family would change both dynamic and perception.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Be careful if partaking in lactation while she's still pregnant... It can cause her to go into labor to early...

From personal experience there are lots of Hobby guys who love seeing pregnant providers even more for lactating ladies...
Good luck
italia's Avatar
How does every thread get off topic so quick? I mean if a question is asked, typically answers are given. I believe that's how it's supposed to work. People are always worried about the wrong thing...and if you pay real close attention, it's always the people that have absolutely no relation to the original topic. Attention seekers...ew Originally Posted by brittanystar
Agree completely, it shouldn't matter who because in DUE time they'll find out.

YES I asked CK the question and asked him what others would prefer if they even would consider it and how would it go ( business wise ).

I did not want to ask myself because of this exact reason, some people can not stick to the subject and have to start calling people out their name.

It's just ridiculous and with CK Skin being tougher than mine, helped me out.

Because that's what we are here for, to help each other out in as many aspects as we can.

Stop being so bitter and hateful AND NOSEY ! Some are always looking to ruin someone else's day.

Italia :-*
And yet again! Wouldn't you agree that the best way to keep the thread on topic is to simply stick to the thread topic?

How does one complain about drama yet be the only one who perpetuates it by repeatedly focusing only on the drama?

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