Veronica sun, please read

Trinity Kane's Avatar
OMG... This is all a bunch of bullshit. I received refs for VS also, but would not accept them b/c of her accounts being disabled or whatever at the time. I had to look out for my own safety there. All GD did was post freaking concerns and stated the facts that her accounts were down. Anyone else would have done the same thing in the event they were getting mostly refs from VS. When accounts are pulled on Eccie and p411 it could be a number of things ranging from an LE sting/bust to the providers personal info being put out there. When you are trying to set an appointment and see things like this it is going to throw up red flags all around you. And in the event that something did happen to VS it could have put us all at jeopardy if proper screening contact wasn't made. GD did what she thought was going to protect our hobby community. You can't fault her for that being that she had valid reason to tell people to use caution and why.

VS is still here, gaining reviews and her accounts are back to normal. As long as she keeps gaining positive reviews she is going to be just fine.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Thanks for clearing this up Veronica.

The review in question is where the hobbyists were just curious as to why her profile was pulled. The review was done by a hobbyist that had already seen Ginger and gave a positive review of Veronica, which would also make you think Ginger should trust the hobbyist opinion. The recent rash of reviews on Veronica prior to Gingers alert would also point to the reason why so many gentlemen were using her as a reference. Given these facts, one could see where envy would be used as the motive for an alert. Even though Ginger and I don't see eye to eye on several things, I doubt Ginger would post an alert for envious reasons. I could be wrong and have been before, just IMO. I'm sure to her, the alert was warranted. Its a small blimp in the road Veronica, rock on sister! Maybe I'll get to meet you soon. Originally Posted by jim1995
None of this would have ever happened if VS accounts hadn't been pulled. That is why the alert was posted. Fuck envy, this was concern for the safety of our community. During the time her account was inactive I would not accept the refs either. What if I had called her and it would have been a female LE officer setting me up. No way I was taking that chance. Anything could have happened. How were we to know what was going on then?

All that matters is what we know is going on now.

And that's that VS is a good provider and an asset to our community. Her accounts are back up and running and she's well on her way here. Good Luck VS!! Go Get'em Girl!!
Thank you Trinity & Jim. I appreciate it.

No harm was intended. I felt obligated to share this info for safety. That's it.

And Veronica, I do sincerely apologize. I wasn't trying to cause problems for you.

And Veronica, I do sincerely apologize. I wasn't trying to cause problems for you. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Veronica cleared up why her account was down in her post in questions for the staff. Unfortunately, she chose not to include that info in this thread. She failed to address what caused Ginger to post the alert in this thread, but instead played the poor martyr. If she had simply posted, sorry for the confusion, I deleted the info by mistake, I am legit, here and working, the confusion would have been cleared up with minimal drama. Instead, maximum drama was achieved. I must say, Bravo! We even got to see Das as a WK, something I never thought I would see, LOL.

Of course Ginger should have posted an alert if there was a possibility the safety of the community was endangered. Everyone is paranoid about LE, as we all should be.

If you screw up and delete your info by mistake, and an alert is raised because your info is pulled, then address the issue, explain it, then defend yourself, and kiss and makeup, or not. But the injured little girl act with no explanation rang hollow with me.

I understand your business was possibly hurt, but it was a consequence of something you did.

There are two sides to every story, and one mistake lead to, perhaps an over reaction, but why do we need to blow up everything into a 3 act play. Address the issue and move on.

well said mr doc.
I have to give Ginger the benefit of the doubt on this one. Something did not look right - and it did not look right - and she alerted the community to it. I am not going to make assumptions about her motives for this other than knowing that she has steered me away from a couple of potentially bad situations before. Turned out she was right. She looks out for her circle and the larger community. If some don't appreciate that, then simply ignore her. VS, I sincerely hope your biz was not harmed by this. If it was, at the rate you are racking up great reviews, you will quickly overcome it. But it also shows all of us that you have to pay constant attention to what is going on on this board. Had VS addressed this quickly, the drama would not have had time to build. This is a teachable moment. Let's all learn from it.
Yes, it does appear to be WK'n, though I have no interest in protecting or otherwise preventing disparaging things from being said about VS. I merely can not tolerate people who just throw unmerited alerts out.

VS did explain herself and the accuser (whether benign or intentional) did apologize.
It's over and done on this particular case, though rest assured not to many days hence, it will be the same shit with another provider being targeted.

Good luck to all!

FWIW: I do hold your opinion in higher regards than most here, due to your involvement and diligence in helping Brit. That has merit and shows humanity above sexuality.
Welcome to the board Veronica.
I am thrilled to see you here. Hope to meet you soon.
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Well said Rockydoc. Thank you Ginger for looking out for us.