What's Going On In San Bernardino??

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Watching Fox, and then MSNBC, you would think they were talking about two entirely different events.

Fox is hoping like hell it's Islamic Terrorist, MSNBC is hoping like hell it's 3 Rednecks pissed off at Obama.

I guess we need a poll. Billybob, or Akhmed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Akhmed Billybob would make them both happy i suppose. my guess is it won't be long before they release the names of the two who are dead/captured. then we'll see which is right.
Watching Fox, and then MSNBC, you would think they were talking about two entirely different events.

Fox is hoping like hell it's Islamic Terrorist, MSNBC is hoping like hell it's 3 Rednecks pissed off at Obama.

I guess we need a poll. Billybob, or Akhmed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
One report said there was a argument at the party, one person left came back with two more, and started shooting. Hard to say white or black till further news.
Well, let's say what it ain't:

1) It isn't a crazed, lone gunman with a couple of Glocks. There are three shooters carrying rifles (I read AK-47s earlier), wearing ski masks, who ran in, shot the place up, and escaped in an SUV before cops got there. So this is a planned attack by cold-blooded killers, but NOT insane people. Psychos don't operate in groups (Columbine notwithstanding). If a psycho tries to enlist the help of someone, that's usually the end of it. The second person typically calls the cops and they take the nut away to the loony bin.

2) Gun control would not have helped. While I think we definitely need improved background checks to screen out felons, the mentally unstable, and people on terrorist watch lists, that would not have helped with a planned terrorist attack (assuming they are not on the watch list). Guns laws didn't stop terrorists in Paris, they won't stop them here. Guns are too easy to smuggle into the country even if we confiscated every one already in the country. We can't stop drugs and people. How can we stop guns.

3) I can't see how it could be anti-abortion foes. First, they are typically crazed lone gunmen. Second, this was a care facility for developmentally impaired people. Who the fuck plans an attack on the mentally disabled?
One report said there was a argument at the party, one person left came back with two more, and started shooting. Hard to say white or black till further news. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How the fuck did the one guy thrown out of the party convince two friends to commit mass murder? This seems very doubtful.
Watching Fox, and then MSNBC, you would think they were talking about two entirely different events.

Fox is hoping like hell it's Islamic Terrorist, MSNBC is hoping like hell it's 3 Rednecks pissed off at Obama.

I guess we need a poll. Billybob, or Akhmed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I would think Fox would be ok with rednecks pissed at Obama too.
How the fuck did the one guy thrown out of the party convince two friends to commit mass murder? This seems very doubtful. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Have you ever met any other human beings?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One report said there was a argument at the party, one person left came back with two more, and started shooting. Hard to say white or black till further news. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
the news has not confirmed that. they stated there was a dispute. but they have not confirmed that person came back.

it still doesn't fit the typical mold of workplace violence. if someone got into an argument then went out to his/her car and got a pistol and came back in and started shooting, ok.

but come back with 2 more accomplices armed for combat? in such a short period of time? this was planned no matter if it was terrorism or workplace violence. too well planned.

the only thing they have confirmed about the two dead suspects is one was male, the other female.
Budman's Avatar
I would think Fox would be ok with rednecks pissed at Obama too. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You're a fucking idiot. Why would any sane person be ok with this. Grow the fuck up. Fucking bitch.
Have you ever met any other human beings? Originally Posted by WombRaider
And this means what?

Are you telling me that if a friend of yours came to your house and said "They just threw me out of the Christmas party at work! Get your rifle and let's go back there and kill a bunch of them!" you would go along with it?

Or would you call the cops?
How the fuck did the one guy thrown out of the party convince two friends to commit mass murder? This seems very doubtful. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Two men one woman, one man and the woman killed at the car, other is in custody. Were wearing tactical gear carrying assault rifles (their words not mine) and handguns. Was a press conference.
the only thing they have confirmed about the two dead suspects is one was male, the other female. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If that is true - one of them is a female - then the odds that this is jihadi related just went up a LOT.

When was the last time you heard of a woman getting involved in workplace violence? Or going with her boyfriend to a party to get some payback and kill people?

Women rarely get involved in mass killings.

Unless, of course, they are religious fanatics. Then anything is possible.
The person that was there was confirming if the target was there, are the rest collateral damage?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If that is true - one of them is a female - then the odds that this is jihadi related just went up a LOT.

When was the last time you heard of a woman getting involved in workplace violence? Or going with her boyfriend to a party to get some payback and kill people?

Women rarely get involved in mass killings.

Unless, of course, they are religious fanatics. Then anything is possible. Originally Posted by ExNYer
agreed. the FBI stated they are leaning toward a terrorist scenario but will not confirm at this time nor rule out other possibilities.

it's possible this dispute was either a coincidence or staged if it turns out it's related. no one just runs out of a party pissed off at a coworker and returns that quickly armed to the teeth with two accomplices, one a female.
Watching Fox, and then MSNBC, you would think they were talking about two entirely different events.

Fox is hoping like hell it's Islamic Terrorist, MSNBC is hoping like hell it's 3 Rednecks pissed off at Obama.

I guess we need a poll. Billybob, or Akhmed. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're a fucking idiot. Why would any sane person be ok with this. Grow the fuck up. Fucking bitch. Originally Posted by Budman
So, let's see how you jumped in with both feet and got your shit all confused. Jackie commented that Fox was hoping it was a terrorist act, while MSNBC was hoping it was rednecks who hated Obama. I commented that Fox would be ok with either one, since both can be blamed on Obama.

Then here you come all high and mighty. I was merely commenting, dipshit. Of course no one is ok with this, goddamn are you that dumb? You're the fucking idiot, riding in on your high goddamn horse, pistols waving. Calm the fuck down, Eugene.
And this means what?

Are you telling me that if a friend of yours came to your house and said "They just threw me out of the Christmas party at work! Get your rifle and let's go back there and kill a bunch of them!" you would go along with it?

Or would you call the cops? Originally Posted by ExNYer
It means there are fucking crazy-ass individuals out there who will do just about anything, because they're either crazy, stupid or both. Of course I wouldn't go, I'm not fucking crazy or stupid.