Bar says Trump was spied on!

I listened to right wingers cry and bitch for 8 years under Obama. Bush 43 left the country in shambles and Obama saved it. Originally Posted by themystic
Would you please list those accomplishments, tm? Take your time, leave nothing out.....

And feel free to create an entirely separate thread for this....I'd hate for the Groundbreaking and Monumental Achievements of the Barry Administration get lost in this one.

No need in listing "Spying on the Trump Campaign" as one of those accomplishments at this time, sir....until that evidence comes to light it's just "another rumor"....right?
Resized just for Bamscram.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Resized just for Bamscram. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I'm sure Ekim will be pleased
bamscram's Avatar
Resized just for Bamscram. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Hope it didn't hurt to bad.
bamscram's Avatar
I'm sure Ekim will be pleased Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Who is ekim? Got a link?
What was wrong with your last handle?
themystic's Avatar
Would you please list those accomplishments, tm? Take your time, leave nothing out.....

And feel free to create an entirely separate thread for this....I'd hate for the Groundbreaking and Monumental Achievements of the Barry Administration get lost in this one.

No need in listing "Spying on the Trump Campaign" as one of those accomplishments at this time, sir....until that evidence comes to light it's just "another rumor"....right? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
How about we start with he saved 1.5 Million Jobs with General Motors. All you financial gurus can tell me how "bad" that was

How about tracking down and killing Osama Bin Laden- since you right wingers love killing so much. Bush & Trump seem to both have the yellow streak

How about pulling us out of the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression and yet keeping a moderate tax level

Shoot em down brother

How about pulling us out of the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression and yet keeping a moderate tax level

Shoot em down brother Originally Posted by themystic
Good try don't know your stuff!!
You worship false prophets...

The financial crisis had ended by the time Obama took office in January 2009, a fact largely obscured by the Obama team’s rhetorical blurring of the late-2008 financial shock and the ensuing macroeconomic recession. Almost all policies enacted to stem the financial crisis occurred during the autumn of 2008, while Bush was still president. It is possible to criticize the actions the Bush administration and the Fed took to deal with the crisis, and many do. But it is not possible to question that these actions were taken before Obama became president
lustylad's Avatar
How about we start with he saved 1.5 Million Jobs with General Motors. Originally Posted by themystic
How about you do your homework before you open your piehole?

The GM, er, I mean the UAW bailout was a textbook case of dimotard corruption!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Thats right I am ekim? Got a link?
What was wrong with my last handle?
Originally Posted by bamscram(Ekim)
bamscram's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Now you are advertising for wieners?
Why don't you use your other handle?
Got any links to prove your point wiener rod?

Just flying.

How about you do your homework before you open your piehole?

The GM, er, I mean the UAW bailout was a textbook case of dimotard corruption! Originally Posted by lustylad
Because TM doesn't know his stuff?

He's the only person on the board that will look smarter when Yssup returns.
lustylad's Avatar
Barr Brings Accountability

Trump’s foes call it ‘stunning and scary.’ Here’s what they have to be scared about.

By Kimberley A. Strassel
April 11, 2019 6:46 p.m. ET

The most inadvertently honest reaction to Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony this week came from former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Mr. Barr had bluntly called out the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016. Mr. Clapper said that was both “stunning and scary.” Indeed.

No doubt a lot of former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton campaign officials, opposition guns for hire, and media members are stunned and scared that the Justice Department finally has a leader willing to address the FBI’s behavior in 2016. They worked very hard to make sure such an accounting never happened. Only in that context can we understand the frantic new Democratic-media campaign to tar the attorney general.

Mr. Barr told the Senate Wednesday that one question he wants answered is why nobody at the FBI briefed the Trump campaign about concerns that low-level aides might have had inappropriate contacts with Russians. That’s “normally” what happens, Mr. Barr said, and the Trump campaign had two obvious people to brief—Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, both former federal prosecutors.

It wasn’t only the Trump campaign that the FBI kept in the dark. The bureau routinely briefs Congress on sensitive counterintelligence operations. Yet former Director James Comey admits he deliberately hid his work from both the House and the Senate. And the FBI kept information from yet another overseer, the judicial branch, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee had paid for the dossier it presented as a basis for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a U.S. citizen.

Why the secrecy? Mr. Comey testified that the Trump probe was simply too sensitive for members of congressional intelligence committees to know about—an unbelievable statement given the heavy publicity he gave the investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s improper handling of classified information. Here’s a more plausible explanation: Mr. Comey and his crew have also testified that they were all convinced Mrs. Clinton would win the election. That would have meant that no politician other than the incoming Democratic president would have known the FBI had spied on the Trump team. Nor would the public. A Clinton presidency would have ensured no accountability.

Mr. Trump’s victory destroyed that scenario, and it became clear that the new Republican president would soon know that the former Democratic administration had surveilled his campaign on the basis of information from his rival. At that point two things happened. Neither was accidental, and both were aimed, again, at forestalling accountability.

First, Mr. Comey and other intelligence officials, including Mr. Clapper, engineered the public release of all the scandalous claims against Mr. Trump, to provide some cover. As liberal commentator Matt Taibbi notes in his new book, “Hate Inc.” Mr. Comey’s Jan. 6, 2017, briefing of the president-elect about the dossier was a classic Washington “trick.” It served as the “pretext” to get the details out, a “news hook” to allow the press to publish the dossier—with its salacious fictions about prostitutes and Moscow hotel rooms—and go wild.

Democrats used the furor in their successful push for a special counsel, which gave greater legitimacy to the FBI’s probe. The appointment of a special counsel also froze other oversight. Congress can’t have access to certain documents or ask witnesses certain questions, since that might interfere with the probe. The White House can’t demand answers, because that too would interfere. Mr. Trump’s adversaries got to hide behind Robert Mueller for nearly two years.

Second, Democrats mobilized against the other big threat, incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had the authority to conduct an internal review. Don’t forget, the dossier wasn’t delivered only to the FBI. Its ultimate owners were the Clinton campaign and the DNC. And one huge outstanding question is just how many Democrats pushing for Mr. Sessions’ recusal in early 2017 did so with full knowledge of the FBI-Clinton tie-up. Certainly no Republicans were aware, and thus they were clueless to the bigger consequences of the unnecessary Sessions recusal.

Namely, that no outsider would take a hard look at the FBI. The Russia question fell to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, an institutionalist who would go on to sign the final application for a surveillance warrant against Mr. Page. Again, no accountability. Meantime, wonder why Democrats tried so hard to mau-mau Mr. Barr into also recusing himself? The goal all along has been to deep-six any discovery until a Democrat returns to the White House.

Mr. Barr didn’t merely refuse to recuse; he’s made clear he plans to plumb the FBI’s actions thoroughly. That makes him Threat No. 1 to everyone who participated in these abuses, and it’s why the liberal media establishment is now disparaging his integrity. They are stunned and scared—that accountability has returned to the Justice Department.
bambino's Avatar
I hope Dilbert reads the link. The Mueller probe WAS a coverup.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I hope Dilbert reads the link. The Mueller probe WAS a coverup. Originally Posted by bambino
well, i did think it was a cover up, I mentioned that early on. all they did was succeed in delaying the inevitable.

They succeeded in knocking out the Republican House out of power. (the Ryan Republicans really didn't do anything serious to address some of the serious problems in U.S.A. They deserved to get knocked out.)

Once Sessions was gone, it was only a matter of time that a new AG with zero ties to the campaign was going to look in at the allegations.

the Dems delusion is unreal. they expect everything delivered to them on a platter. this time it didn't happen. someone actually refused to do their bidding and they freak out.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Odumbers doj was spying on us cits ,and didn't inform dumper ( because of the spying) the Russians were buying fb ads ?