Interesting turn again on this post!
Annie - I couldn't agree more, glad you see the big picture!
eccl3 - I was goign with your initial post and hoped the follow-up was sarcasm. It's great that people like you and Torito are willing to share your seasoned knowledge with others when you could just as easily say something to the effect of "I figured it out, now you go do the same".. and hopefully come up with the same conclusion. I say bravo for folks like you. It's been my experience that those who share knowledge and help others get further in life than those who try to keep it to themselves like a special secret.
The whole purpose behind forums is sharing of information and ideas. It's sad to see some on the forums that would rather stiffle that by sending people off on tangents. Annie zero'd in on that already! My respects to those that take the time to share what they've learned. Isuspect that there are many that would share that position.