Room Numbers

So I’d like everyone’s input on this:

I’m currently out of state on a business trip, had pre booked in advance for an out call date with a pretty reputable provider, all was well until she asked for a room number 2 hours before session would start. I gave out the name of my hotel a few days ago, but I didn’t feel comfortable giving out my room number hours in advance. That’s a rookie mistake. I only do that with ladies I’ve seen multiple times since I’ve established a level of trust with them. I suggested to give it out 30 mins before session, but that was shot down. Also suggested to meet in the pool area and unsurprisingly that was shot down as well. Fuck my safety, right?

Doesn’t matter if she’s been doing this for awhile, but I don’t know her like that. I don’t know if she has a guy named Leroy waiting around the area to go in my room, fuck my shit up, rob my valuables, and leave. Needless to say, she cancelled the date because I made her feel uncomfortable by not providing her room number 2 hours in advance.

Anyhoo, I’m pretty bummed out about this cause I was so looking forward to this date, but thank you, next! Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
If she was a reputable provider then it sounds to me like she’s been burned too many times. Having the room number well in advance is her way of assuring the appointment takes place. Unfortunately, since FOSTA, us ladies deal with a lot of bullshit, way more than normal. You guys would be amazed if you spent one day with any of our phones! I have had guys prebook, I set that time aside, have multiple requests that I’ve turned down due to the prebook, only to get ghosted when it came time to meet. 9 times out of 10 when this happens, the guy has given me little to no info on location. A Provider feels more secure the appointment will take place when she has as much info as possible on the front end and not last minute.

As a Provider, I will give my room number in advance to any regular client I see. I will also send my location in advance. I send both the same day of our appointment. However, if it is a new client, then I ask for them to text or call upon arrival for the room number. When I’m going to an outcall, I like to have the location a minimum of two hours in advance. I feel like I’m reputable enough to where any guy should respect that bc I’ve never done anything shady otherwise. Imagine a Provider giving her location and room number two hours in advance and the guy ncns her. If it’s someone new, I would pack up and change locations and be out even more money on hotel expenses. It’s different though when it’s someone reputable or someone you have previously seen and you know you can trust.
If she was a reputable provider then it sounds to me like she’s been burned too many times. Having the room number well in advance is her way of assuring the appointment takes place. Unfortunately, since FOSTA, us ladies deal with a lot of bullshit, way more than normal. You guys would be amazed if you spent one day with any of our phones! I have had guys prebook, I set that time aside, have multiple requests that I’ve turned down due to the prebook, only to get ghosted when it came time to meet. 9 times out of 10 when this happens, the guy has given me little to no info on location. A Provider feels more secure the appointment will take place when she has as much info as possible on the front end and not last minute... Originally Posted by Upscale_blondie
+ 1, Chloe. One day with our phones and I think most of these guys would want to go off-grid.

If only hobbyists could sample providers lives, even for a day. I think there would be much more understanding and way less vilification.
I have been doing a lot more out call than I used to & all have not ask for the room # till they arrive at the location so I would had some concerns about her wanting the # so early. Now it's more of a dangerous job than people think even if a guy clears the screening for a outcall who's to say his drunk buddies don't have a room key or be hidden out in the room so that's why some don't do outcall. Then there's the old hidden camera to consider so there are lot of things that can happen.
austin88998833's Avatar
Thank you, Mr. Switzerland. Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Switzerland? What, what??
Seriously I don’t get it. I’m kinda dumb, remember?
Switzerland? What, what??
Seriously I don’t get it. I’m kinda dumb, remember? Originally Posted by austin88998833
I’ve always known you weren’t well… But I’ve never thought you anything less than intelligent.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
The provider would never give you the room # 2 hours in advance unless you had seen each other prior & were comfortable with each other.

I would take a pass like you did. Originally Posted by WMJ4657

And thank you everyone for the feedback. Sounds like I did the right thing and Ginger, we’ll have to agree to disagree. You brought up some valid points, but at the end of the day you can’t trust strangers in the hobby. Too many weirdos out there...
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
A Provider feels more secure the appointment will take place when she has as much info as possible on the front end and not last minute. Originally Posted by Upscale_blondie
In my situation, she had almost every single detail about me to make her feel very comfortable. She even complimented how easy I made the whole process for her. After everything me and her talked about and the amount of info I gave her, asking for my room number 2 hours in advance was totally unnecessary. People have done this shit before and have gotten robbed. Client safety is just as important as provider safety.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
That’s why I use protection

Yes it’s hard ass work for the providers. I understand and respect that. Most hobbyists do hard ass work so that they can hobby. I suppose there’s a small percentage of guys that are loaded enough that they don’t have to work hard or sacrifice anything to hobby. But most of us do. There are very valid arguments to both sides of this. At the end of the day, each party needs to stay within their comfort zone. Everyone needs to feel safe and discreet. Personally I would have passed just like PTH, but I can definitely see where you are coming from Originally Posted by austin88998833
BabyDallass's Avatar
We could suck their dick on a handstand in a gold platinum room and I'm sure some guy will have something to complain about..some guys on here just can't be pleased

But for the easy going guys, we love you..thank for being's a few of them out there, not that many....
BabyDallass's Avatar
I have to drive a ways normally to my outcalls, so unless I have a room I'm not leaving my house. Why would a known provider need to rob you? Are you driving the Loomis truck? lol...

Most guys have been in this long enough to know that if your meeting a new lady not to bring your big stash of cash, just the donation amount. I've had guys give me their room number hours before a date and think nothing of it. Have you been robbed before like that? Why are you so worried? You could meet a new girl and be receiving the best bj of your life and someone busts in after her, while your naked and robs you..that's how I've heard it always go down. Not by giving out the room 2 hours early...
I don’t see the big problem. If it’s a well known provider I don’t see anything wrong with giving her the room number in advance. I doubt she would want to risk her reputation over a measly one time donation. And it would be much easier for her to rob you with your pants down versus showing up early.
PTH you are spot on I would not either .However If she wants a room # to ease her simple mind I’m good. I be like I’m in 112 what she going to do cruise the the parking lot yep my John up in 112 I be back later. Well 15 minutes before date I text her and say hey sweetie just realized I gave you the wrong #then I give her my real #113 and if that spooks her I move on to the next provider. There seems to be many to choose from.
Hot Summer's Avatar
Maybe she checks the area before arriving to the appointment. Outcalls are super scary to me, so I dont even offer them. Because i cant enjoy our time if I'm nervous.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
I have to drive a ways normally to my outcalls, so unless I have a room I'm not leaving my house. Why would a known provider need to rob you? Are you driving the Loomis truck? lol...

Most guys have been in this long enough to know that if your meeting a new lady not to bring your big stash of cash, just the donation amount. I've had guys give me their room number hours before a date and think nothing of it. Have you been robbed before like that? Why are you so worried? You could meet a new girl and be receiving the best bj of your life and someone busts in after her, while your naked and robs you..that's how I've heard it always go down. Not by giving out the room 2 hours early... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
So would you give out your room number to a complete stranger you’ve never met, hmm let’s say 2-4 hours before session starts? What if I hadn’t met you before and day of session, I ask 2 hours in advance “what’s your room number?” Seriously, you’d give me your room number?
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Maybe she checks the area before arriving to the appointment. Outcalls are super scary to me, so I dont even offer them. Because i cant enjoy our time if I'm nervous. Originally Posted by hot summer
I hear ya. They can be a bit scary, yes. I did give her name of my hotel and she could’ve checked the area. I even suggested to meet up at the pool area (which is very public and lots of people are around) to hang out and get to know each other face to face and make her feel more comfortable